Where has the quarter gone?

Nov 21, 2004 20:04

Calling on my vast Latin knowledge (yea right) I have two words: Tempus Fugit. For those who've never seen or heard this phrase before, it basically means Time Flies. I recall driving down the the UC/Miami football game about a week and a half before classes started and was talking to a couple friends I ran into about how we were all looking forward to being back at school and being able to catch up on things with everybody else. I remember thinking about how I'd have all this time to do that. In come the classes, and suddenly I am extremely busy again. Now granted I have done alot of fun things this quarter and been able to visit with tons of people. However Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and exams are only a week of classes separates that and exams. Some people, e.g. (exemplum gratias, hehe more Latin) those at OU or WSU are already out until January. Don't get me wrong, it will be nice in some ways to be back on co-op and making money again in a few weeks. I guess it just seems you kinda get into a groove with the way things are going and you don't necessarily want it to change right away (mainly referring to the various extracurriculars activites and doing things with friends).

Oh well, can't have all good things at once or for a super-long period of time. I suppose in a way it will be nice since I'll be at home (living for free :-D) and saving up for future quarters of school, and will be able to maybe see some of the ppl who are still in Dayton every once in awhile. Also, basketball season will give me plenty of excuses to make short trips here on weeknights or maybe even spending the night on weekends and visiting w/ ppl here. Guess it just amazes me sometimes how things seem like an eternity at certain points and then they just blow by before you know it. Such is life though.

Well I'm not really sure what I was going to talk about with this entry, but sometimes the words just start flowing and I start rambling about whatever like above. So this brings this entry to a close. Hope everybody and anybody who reads this is doing well, and drop me a line or whatnot if you wanna talk or hang out or whatever. See ya.
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