Littering and...

Aug 25, 2005 08:42

So my recent trip to the dentist was interesting... I went to get a couple cavities filled. Well being that the doctor I went to was a pediatrition, the nurse controlling the nitrious oxide (laughing gas) didn't do the ratio right for me being an adult (at least thats what I think)... cause she gave me way too much gas. Holy Shit everything was spinning yet stayed still at the same time. Everyones voices were really squeaky and yet I could hear there normal voices as well. I was like damn, if this is gonna happen everytime, I coming back for more cavities next week!!!

When: September 24th
Where: Coyote Ugly
Why: As if there needs to be a reason... but if you need one... its my bday and my bro's goin away party (he's leaving for the marines)
Who's invited: The more the merrier... bring all your 21 and up friends! Let's crowd this place up with people we all know!!!!!
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