Sep 15, 2005 21:26
aghhhhh i am so bored, and its only 9:26.
Band today was not bad...not good either.
Everyone should come to our Band comp. this saturday (me and brennas bday!) and see all the bands and us in EXIBITION (sp?). i think 8 bands are comming plus there is really good food, and all the profit goes twards our band. we need it too with gas so high and having such a big band.
enough about that
Brennas party is tomarrow. i have no idea where she lives. i might want to get directions tomarrow. that might be helpfull if i plan to attend...and i do plan to attend.
i am still bored
no one ever update anymore, except illegaly.
i just remembered what highway brenna lives on. it is HWY 69, i hope only one house is on that highway.
i am still bored
Adam "the not so Blake" Blake