The Entertainment Ceramics 2

Jun 18, 2006 20:51

EDIT: There was an embedded image here, but the geocities site it was hosted on forbids hotlinking. Just follow the link below. Of course, this does diminish the already minimal usefulness of this post to nothing; you should probably just sub Momus or Jean Snow instead.

Snagged from Jean Snow via Momus. Nice mix of freaky and cute, quite unsettling. It reminds me of a Piccinini or that pregnant woman at the National Gallery, except instead of mimicking reality it's mimicking a 3D model. I guess alternatively it's not mimicking anything, but, no. I definitely feel like it's going for concrete congruence with something abstract as opposed to an abstraction of something concrete.

There are many photos of the installation here. From a show called "The Entertainment Ceramics 2" at a Tokyo gallery called Axis.

space, link farmerism, japan, art

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