Two Things

Apr 13, 2006 09:37

1. "When you understand that ultimately there is no such thing as a problem, only situations that can be improved, you are effectively choosing to hold the most proactive perception. There is room for improvement in every situation because there is room for improvement in every one of us. Unfortunately, we use the language of problems to describe almost all situations, events and circumstances, including those within our own minds and hearts and the moment we do our energy dissipates. Then we find it hard to understand why the situation or event happened in the first place. We need ot know the cause in order to know the cure. Ultimately, an enlightened soul knows that a problem is just a perception. It is only one interpretation of the situation. More positive and self-empowering perceptions include challenge, opportunity and lesson. These enlightened perceptions then give rise to a much more creative response. The truth is that all problems exist only in the mind."

2. "You are already perfect, you already have all that you will ever need and you are completely free, you just don't know it yet."

-Mike George
The 7 AHA!s of Highly Enlightened Souls
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