SGU and Sanctuary

Nov 20, 2009 22:02

SGU: TJ-heavy episode, yay!

I like that she's used for the framework, similar to how Eli was last week. Except that he was being nosy in a bad situation, or at least trying to reach out to people, and TJ is ordered to do this by Young. Nice way to meet new people other than through the Kino, and which gets out more of their personality.

"No thank you." Hehe, Rush!

Thinking back, I'm delighted that last week's episode was a stand-alone. And that they left it like they did, with the next iteration of Kino message. I wish, however, that the last scene had been entirely into the Kino, as if we were watching it from the next do-over. The change in camera took me out of the conceit, and made me expect 'to be continued...' to flash on the screen.

I loved Camille's home visit. THIS is when 'slow burn' works. She's in a happy, longstanding relationship. The visit was bittersweet but intimate and reassuring. And I'm more interested in this than most of the 'drama.' Because it's real, the characters authentic, mature, unexpected. And what will Camille do now? That her actions are as much to get home to her partner than for political reasons, her job, even her better judgment.

As I listen to people talk to TJ, it occurs to me that I've never really felt like I was living on the ship. I've never sympathized with the plight of the people stuck there. With the higher ups so often in communication with Earth, that's what I feel like - an officer on a mission, physically stuck but not cut off. This might not be a problem except that the majority of the people on the ship do NOT have this communication. Their mental state is thus quite different.

I wonder if it would have been more effective to never see the communication with Earth until later. Let us feel the isolation before 'btw, we've been talking to Earth.' Or just had less talking - the home visits are useful for background information on people, development of character. But they're pushing the conflict of command heavily for this early on - rather than the more natural, slower pace of keeping the early days more episodic, and building into seriality. After all, there's more than enough drama just in trying to stay alive.

Young is popping home every other second! At least that's what it feels like. Is he abusing his authority, or is this a way of running away from TJ. o.O He's been super military with her, though it's hard to tell if he's piling more responsibility on her than he otherwise would, and if this is to help her grow or because he wants to get rid of her of keep her close or what. Especially as it's clear TJ is thinking on it. I think she should hook up with Greer. They've got interesting chemistry, and if he accepts her personality they should do fine.

10 minutes from the end and still waiting for a TJ/Young scene that doesn't involved a direct order. Ie, Young's psych eval. Which I bet TJ won't want to do. Ooh! She didn't avoid him. And he sort of avoided her.

Why the ending scene of Scott? Should have been Chloe/Eli, because that was funny as anything and they still could have pulled out the window. Or the guy with the mystery problem.


So what I presume is Comcast being sh!tty, or LJ being a b!tch, ate my entire Sanctuary review. Fine, I get it. Everything has to go first in an OOD. (Ok, I just realized Open Office Documents can be acronymed to Oods, which is pleasantly diverting.) Which is also pretty unrel!able when open for long stretches of time.

Bullet pointing the things I cared enough about to remember:

That funky shot of Henry sitting by Big Guy's tomb? LOVE. They give him beautiful shots, at least. (Remember the one in the elevator?) And I loved the little scene with him and Big Guy at the end. And if they hadn't had that short little bit with Henry sitting at Magnus' bedside I was going to revolt. Part or me still is, because that wasn't quite enough... I wanted a Henry that was a little more upset throughout, who had a little more time with Magnus.

The 'long-con' plot isn't totally new, and the writing wasn't so amazingly spectacular that I forgot everything else. The show relies a little too heavily on the created world, which us as audience have no hope of predicting. Which means a little more character stuff in the middle wouldn't go amiss, and would increase the replay value.

What else... I like that Kate is still being nice and connecting emotionally with Henry. I'm trying to forget about the horrible performance that marked her introduction, so I can start liking her character. I really like that around the little moments with Henry, she gets solid scenes with Will. They work well together.

I need Tesla and Druitt back asap. I started watching at the end of the first season which skewed my entire perception of the show, I know, but they add a level of gravitas and ground the show with a sense of history. Without them, the show feels a little thin, scattered, and lacking in solid screen presences that lead to eyes riveted to the screen and inspiration to dawn.

sgu, sanctuary

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