Yuletide Secret Santa Letter:

Nov 12, 2009 13:47

 Dear Santa,

Firstly, Happy upcoming holiday season!  I lay out cyber cookies and milk, and pretty twinkle lights abound.

Disclaimer - I'm terribly long winded.  So there's a lot of random thoughts here which I in no way expect, require, or even desire to be met.  Hopefully something I say is useful though :]

Edited to add: In the never-ending quest to understand myself better and particularly, more precisely: I love fairy tales, but I don't like the happily ever after bit.  I love the stuff that comes before.  And if everything goes to very serious hell after, I like what comes after too.  I just don't like ending a good story with fluffiness (unless it was highly stylized), or a journey which is clearly simply heading for the payout.  It's about the journey or what's the point?

For these fandoms, there just *isn't too much,* at least with the characters listed.  Sure, I've got some directions I'm curious to see the stories go, but really all I want for Christmas is something new to read (and hopefully for others to enjoy too).  :D  If you write something you are proud of and had fun writing, I will love it and put it on my mantel.

Me:  I tend to lean towards the darker and angstier, and adore that time when characters haven't gotten together yet and still have some issues to work out before they could.  My absolute favourite atmosphere is the bittersweet - there's nothing like the combination of sort of getting what you want, but knowing you can never have it.   I'm not adverse to lighthearted humour, but in a gen way, rather than fluffy shippage.  My primary aversion there being to the fluffy factor (For this reason I also tend to be wary of established relationship fics) rather than the humour angle - clever, witty hilarity with our intrepid heros is absolute LOVE.  Go for any rating your heart desires, and any topic - I'm very rarely shocked.

I'm also fascinated by obstacles in intimacy - not necessarily sexual intimacy, but when the two characters want different things from each other.  Say, if Cal is ready for a relationship with Gillian, but despite her flirting, Gillian is not actually ready for a relationship with *him*.  On the other hand, these are the things I tend to write, and is certainly not exhaustive of the types of fic I've absolutely ADORED.

My biggest squee! is characters so in character that after the story, you feel you know them better.  There doesn't even need to be plot, per se.   I'm delighted by vignettes.  And vague, beautiful endings.  After all why stop at 'happily ever after' when that's the least interesting part?

Being Erica:

Since season 2 hasn't started airing yet Stateside, how about fallout from the season 1 finale? Or, explore one of Dr. Tom's minor regrets (turnabout is fair play!). I've always had a pet theory that Dr. Tom is Erica's husband from the future, and would love to see those two shipped, in a realistic and somewhat understated way.

What I love about this fandom is that it isn't afraid to explore any emotional territory, but never moulders in angst.  This one's a little tricky because season 2 isn't on in the states until next year.  And there are a couple characters in season 2 who I'd love to see toyed with.  *coughs*

This fandom is so small that I'm really 'anything goes.'  I absolutely love Dr. T (and Michael Riley), so it would be great to find out more about him, play with Dr. T/Erica (shippy, or as platonic friends), or explore the world of 'the therapists' with whatever take on Dr. Naadiah you'd like.  Feel free to ignore certain canon information revealed later, if bunnies are nibbling from points earlier in the series.

Lie to Me:

This is a great show for exploring the history for the character's relationships. How did Eli start working for TLG? What happened between Cal and Rader? What happened between Cal and Gil that she 'caught him on the way down?' Gil is starting to date again - Rader is attracted to her and in some ways is 'simpler' than Cal. Loker's early fan worship has matured into a more adult respect. I'd love to see her explore a relationship with either of those two, as well as ongoing angst with Cal.

What I really love about this show are those moments when we realize the characters ALL know a lot more than they feel the need to constantly display.  And so when issues finally come to a head, the real power dynamic is vastly different than what we were led to believe.  (Like when it turned out Cal and Gil knew all about Loker's betrayal.)

Historically I'm a Cal/Gil shipper, but I love them angsty and tentative and reluctant to verbalize all those things they know about each other.  I'm vastly curious about Gil/Loker or Gil/Rader (I fondly refer to 'Rader' as 'Darth Rader.')  And about the history of these characters: lately we've been getting more backstory for how TLG was begun, with plenty room to play.  I'm a geek, and with this show I'm particular about the characters being intelligent, rational, and within the bounds of canon.

At any rate, I'd love to see Gillian be a worthy foil for Cal (often in the show, they foreground her role as emotional support rather than her scientific insights).  But not magically all-knowing either.  They each have specific flaws and strengths, and we don't see those play out nearly as often.


Henry/Helen need more love. Family love, romantic, smutty. Or all three over time :) Why didn't Henry seem affected by the Nubbins around Helen? He tends to act like the perennial teenager - when will he become his own 'man' and change their relationship?

What if Tesla managed to save Watson after his power pack failed? Or Tesla's been in contact with Watson over the last 60 years. These 3 guys are the 'secondary' men in Helen's life. What would they say over a game of poker? What would Helen say when she walks in on them? What creature could come about that requires the four of them to get out of the danger?

My most recent fandom.  I love how themes of friendship and family and knowledge and personality are weirdly stretched out as half the characters are 150 years old.  There's the sense of timeless purity and truth, alongside the dull reality of death and change.  Very classic sci fi :]

I'm in love with Henry/Helen.  As family fic, smut, or even better: exploring that space in between.  I have a deep and abiding belief that it should have been Henry, not Will, to survive in "Pavor Nocturnus."  What does he look like away from the safety of Helen and the Sanctuary?  I got the impression he felt a little betrayed in "Edward": "You weren't THERE."  But he'd never accuse her or judge her choices.  Or would he?

I also ship Helen/Tesla and am curious about Helen/Watson.  I'm not particularly interested in Helen with John or Will, they get enough screentime already, in tv and fanfic.  Tesla's contradictory responses in "The Five" were very interesting - he was declaring love one minute, and his vampiric self was dismissing it the next.  What's really going on in his head?


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