Summer's Ending...

Aug 16, 2008 15:01

Let's see, textbook lists are coming out this Monday. Happy and sad, I am. A day or two ago, one of my professors sent me an e-mail telling me I don't need to buy a workbook. Fuck yeah! I also am reusing one text book, the expensivo Millward. Double Fuck yeah! The bad news is that he added one new text.

I have no idea how badly my other two classes are going to rape my wallet. I've been purposely not going out much so I can save some dinero. I have booze in my house. I can make good use of that. The huge ass thing of vodka disappeared. Thank god! That stuff burns like a mother! Smirnoff burns donkey balls! Why the hell are there so many damn flavors of it when all it takes like is liquid inferno to me?

I also am grimacing at my giant stack of books. I'm itching to buy this beauty in the black/brown color. The best part is that I can easily expand it. Someday, when I move out, I will have a whole library *_*

Oh yeah, the I also go an e-mail to set up my work schedule for the RWS department. The head sure likes to wait a bit eh? I was also wondering about my professors setting up their booklists so late. ...I think the man, SDSU in this case, doesn't want us students buying books on-line.

I can't wait to go back and chat with my professors. I've also been reading up a lot on fairy tales (dang library books). I haven't started on the novella yet, but I think all this reading will give me a better sense of how fairy tales feel. Yesh, I never thought about the whole tale vs. legend thing before. I'm also looking forward to reading the book on feminism and fairy tales. When I wanna brain fart, I'll probably read a few short fairy tales in one of my anthologies.

After I buy texts, I take it I'm going to hang with my homies which means boozing it up majorly. Actually, I have a feeling a few drinks will be involved. Note that I still think that vodka's the devil, though beer's not so horrid to me anymore. Just keep Corona the hell away from me.

P.S. I need to organize my comp files and clean up my cluttered lj tags.
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