hp - charmbreaker

Mar 17, 2009 23:43

Charmbreaker by orange_crushed
They smile and tell him that he’s grown, which is funny because he feels that he’s been shrinking, and that he won’t stop until he has reduced himself to nothingness, like a star.
(gen, 6619 words)

why you'd like it: Oh, painful, but the ending is satisfying and the middle is absolutely well-done. Like most good (/worth-reading) AU fanfiction, Charmbreaker has a "what-if", and this one is "what-if ... Remus had been forced to leave school after The Prank?" orange_crushed weaves a heartbreaking, interesting, detailed, original, realistic (enough adjectives yet?) life for Remus outside of Hogwarts, tying everything back into canon at the finale.

why you might not: It's AU, once more. But unless you categorically reject alternate universe (or Marauder era), this will be a piece to remember. No slash, unless you choose a liberal interpretation, but even this Wolfstar fangirl saw nothing.

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remus lupin, [harry potter], lily evans, sirius black

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