[dw] -- "yeah, i know what an allegory is," said ace

Jul 16, 2009 00:06

You have probably noticed this comm only really gets updated when I suddenly have something to rec. Um, yeah. I won't make any promises of more regularity because I will probably disappoint. But here goes.

"Yeah, I know what an allegory is," said Ace by merripestin
There once was a man who married a goldfish.
G; 100 words; drabble

why you'd like it: I found powerful, well-written drabbles all over the Harry Potter fandom, but the ones I've seen in Doctor Who fandom thusfar have always seemed lacking. This one totally just pointed and laughed in my face, and may be the best drabble I've read, though that sounds kind of melodramatic. Also, it's 100 words, you're not going to strain yourself reading it. I'm classing it as Seven because that's how the author classifies it, but there's really nothing regeneration-specific.

why you might not: I guess some people might like 'em longer. That's what she said.

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the seventh doctor, [doctor who]

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