the last few days

Oct 14, 2003 21:25

Ok here we go .............
I think I'll start at friday and add on any info I feel is beneficial later.

Friday :

So it was the day before homecoming, Misty and I where kinda in a tiff i suppose, well not really she was in a bad mood "mabey not mabey its myimmagination" and I was convinced that it was my fault like it allways is. She got mad at me for feeling this way but again I ask how can I not when I think im the worst b\f. HEH i think i am anyway I mea not the worst but idk im not doing as good as I could

I got off the phone with her a bit earlier than planned because Mark and I had plans to go out later, well mush later we where going to go to the Beanery around 12:00 to see our freind Kyles band play. So I got off the phone with Misty and kept the phone clear because I was expecting Mark at any time to comeover. My cousin Daniel was down freom Gainsville and wanted to go see a movie, so he came over to pick me up but I said I allready had plans with mark, so we decided to bring him along I cant ditch my bro. So my cousin came over and I gave him money to go buy me a pack of ciggerrets because Mark hasnt arived yet, so he left to go and than mark came over. So we chilled at my house for a little bit before we left. My couysin came over and Mark had parked his van in the street so we all took my cousins truck bvecause Mark was low on gas. We got to the movies and my cousin went in and bought a ticket, Mark and I went around to the side sntrance and waited for my cousin to slip us a ticket. He opend the door and slide me the ticket to go back in. I went around and was putting my ciggs. away just as I said i was out smoking, they checked my ticket and let me in, than I went to the side entrance and just let mark in. So we have succesfully snuck into the movie. We went to the theater wheer out movie was playing and sat down.

We saw the movie Kill Bill and it was one of the best movies I have sen in a long time, seriosly it was great. Like a live action anime comic

We than drove back to my place but just drove around my neiborhood for a bit because my cousin was telling us racist jokes, Smoked a few ciggs tham y cousin drove us back to his house because he wanted ot show us the south park with Alebama man or somthing. We watched it than he drove us back to my house. We got their and we went in and talked to my parents they told me be back no later than 2;30 and gave me the cell phone.

So we than went to the beanery to watch the bands play, we mostly just hung out in the parking lot with his freind arron and screamed some underoath. I went to the side and smoke and the people seem to like idk crowd around me, I was in a weird mood and soon it got hard to breathe so I went away and called Misty. I talked to Misty a bit and let her go because she was sleeping I think. man we had a fight I think , i dont know she said it wasnt ANYWAY . Than we saw Kyles band play 'Really good and we depareted. I got home and my mom yelled at me because she has been up waiting for me to arive home. She was mad because she had to get up early to go to my brothers football game.I called Misty but got yelled at by my mom for being up sp late or somthing. Well the fighting ceiced and we all went to sleep. I feel right asleep because I was looking forward to the morning or the next day.

Saturday :

The sun arrose and so did I, I remember thinking how pretty the sun rise was because I dont think Ive ever been awak soon enough to see it. I was really excided about homecoming, so I played some video games and called Misty at a decent time in the umm afternoon I guess. We didnt talk to much because we'd see each other later and we had to get ready and what not. So I formulated a nice lie to tell me parents were id be that night. They left it was later in the evening by the time they did and Misty called and said she be coming to get ,me in like 2 mins. I called my mom and told her she said shed call makrs hous elater spo I took the liberty of erasing his phone number of off thre caller id and erasing the numbers in the phne book and what not. Home coming was really great Misty and I hugged and lol I made an ass out of myself ut it was still fun. Well we left a little bit early because mark wanted to go out with his freind and drink or somthing. So he dropped misty and I off at Brookes house, and we went in and wel she didnt bring our bags like she said she would so I was walking around in my dress cloths still. She came and i changed and we went to Brookes moms room and layed on the bed. Yeah we cudled and watched t.v and than went to sleep.

Sunday :

I awoke to Mistys beutifull face and we hugged, my mom called her cell so I was scared. Misty lied to her and told her she ddint know where I was. I than called mark and asked wtf he told me that I was n deep shit. "I could here his dad laugh in the backround" well he came to pick me up. I got home and told my mom the lie and she didnt believe it ! yeah I guess she found mark and I's journal and calle dme gay because there is apic of bobby and brandon kissing, she asked if i had kicked their ass's and I said no because i really dont care if they where gfay. Than she called me gay and saidshe hopes i die of aids. i told her that I hope she does, well I cant get aids she said than I told her I hope she dies. I remember talking to my dad and saying hey would you be more mad if i stayed with misty or sme kid you didnt know, my dad said somthing and than my mom chimed in. Yeah I got smaked.........I hate my parents is that bad ??

Monday : Well nothing happend, I just played kingdom hearts and GA3 all day becaus emy GTA : Vice city is broke GRRRRR I went to the mall and showed Pandamonium my 1 person band, wit a drum machine and techno lopp s and a synth program with a guiatr and me singing, they said they loved it and would sponser me if i made it better. That gives me somthign tolook forward to eh ?

Today :

Well its school, what can I say Im going to ask mark for a ride to ers because I need a god damed job ! and I could get hired their.

So ive been trying to quite smoking, really I have. I went to see nikki and her new b\f and she gave me a pack of dorrals, but yeah I told misty i was going to think of giving them back because I told her Id quite but she got mad. I wish I wasnt so bad
And im not saying this in hopes of her reading it and feling bad for me or somthing GAY idk how come I feel like crap. HAH because im breaking the promise i made to my g\f that I love.

Oh yeah my parenst said i was prety fruity or somthing, they thought I was gay well they ddi before. But they beat me up a bit so they are decided i not god i hate them so much
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