Oct 09, 2006 00:24
came on here to track down an old friend that I kind of ran into earlier this evening... so I figured I might blog on here for once. It's incredible thinking how much I was on this site back in the day (I mean DAMN... I remember updating my livejournal from EUROPE :))... and... I dunno. Now my friends page, once multitudes of length... has been reduced to 2 pages of 3 or 4 different people. My friends list... half of them are all etched off from having cancelced their subscriptions. The Myspace empire takes its reign I suppose :).
I'm in a really strange mood this evening. Felt like a total dunce earlier :). Just mindin my own business pulled up to a light and hear someone shouting my name. Totally don't recognize the guy at all... the girl in the backseat kind of looks like a customer that was in my store yesterday. So after sitting there like an idiot for a few seconds I take a stab in the dark completely unsuccessfully and only after names are dropped do I realize who it actually is. :) Having spent a bit of time hanging out with that person back in the day when we were closer friends I felt like a complete idiot for not even recognizing the perrson I once knew... though it has been several years I suppose. And in the midst of it all I get caught in the left turn lane for SR500 going the opposite direction from home :). I hate that neighborhood. Navigational difficulty caused me to take the long way home and that is that I guess :).
TOTALLY scored at work today. Got a 5-line My Faves activation (big time :)). Gotta do 5 port requests for them first thing tomorrow :). DOUBLED my activations in one day. It's been kinda slow so far this month. I need to hustle like a mo fo though cuz I already fucked up my commissions check for September (that I get at the end of this montH) a lil bit and I sure don't want to mess with my next one either.
Been locking up my wheels down the st from here the last couple of nights. Can rest assured that I'm less likely to lose the thousand or so worth of stereo I've invested into that thing over the last several months. Gives me a nice walk every morning and evening too to reflect. As if I don't reflect enough about everything all the time every damn minute I'm on my lap top ha ha ha.
My dad's leaving on Thursday. Think I'm going to continue to lend him my 503 line until he gets home. He's riding the train back to Chico and it'll certainly come in handy. Haven't had much time w/ him this time around... but we're gonna go somewhere on Wednesday. Either the beach, gorge or St Helens so any way it should turn out to be a very enjoyable day. Forced myself to eat Sherries food again this evening since that was the closest damn place still open to his hotel. Bleh!!! I swear I'm driving next time and I'll go into Jantzen Beach if I have to.
And on a more random note... they wanted to turn the old Dennie's site down the st. from my place (DT Vancouver) into a BURGERVILLE????? Thank god that crap didn't pan out!!!! :) :) :)