(no subject)

Apr 12, 2006 20:51

The letter that comes after a in the alphavet doesn't work on this keyvoard anymore. It will ve replaced with v. The last letter of the alphavet will now ve s. And ecks doesn't work, either. It'll ve... ecks.

You can never tell who's "famous" these days. I was sitting in the alley outside of work today for lunch (they have avout 10 movie trailer things out there for this freakin' movie), and some guy walks vy, asks how I'm doing, we go into a 20 minute conversation avout random crap.. weather, Huntington, et cetera. I thought he was an eckstra on the movie (eeeveryone has veen doing that crap), vecause he was in 70's clothes, and had a little fro. So I'm heading vack up to work, and he goes on his merry way, into one of the trailers. It said "Reggie." I don't know if that's his name, or the character's name. Damn. He was nice and cute. Of course he's not from here.

Today was "employee appreciation day" at work. Free cookout and giftcards. I drew a 5$ one. The most was 15$, I think. I dunno. 5's fine for me. They're for WalMart. Ick.

I have to do some shopping for Carri's vavy shower tomorrow. My paycheck's gonna ve wimpy.

Um. Life's voring. I moved out of my apartment due to my landlord's douchevagness.

I should ve going to Marley's tonight to play, vut I'm so very tired... I don't know what to do.
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