Oct 22, 2006 02:36
Ok, so it's been a while. that last post didn't really go anywhere, but it did end up in good hands.
So I'm just putting some things out there. I don't have my parasite(s) anymore and I'm a fairly healthy dude.
The past few weeks have been full of life, which is to say: Someone close to me died, someone close to me got married, someone became much closer to me (I've got a little lady now... yep.)
I can tell you about the wedding: My brother Ryan was the groom, and I was a groomsman along with Kelly and Aaron. Aaron was the best man actually, only because Ryan and Aaron made a pact in high school. But I love the guy, I really do. I never knew just how MOMENTUS an occasion could be; the anitcipation and planning build up for so long, and then the day is here and done... but the process was unreal, just more than I could have imagined. The reality of it hit me when all my relatives (and people I don't even know) started showing up in their nicest outfits. You might know what I'm talking about, and if you don't I suppose you will someday.
Half of last week was spent on Jury Duty too; a civil law-suit that was boring and caused me to loose a good chunk of my next paycheck. but the experience was something I'll never forget, and maybe in some weird way it will be worth it. I just feel so disconnected to the real world this week. The world of the day-to-day crap that makes our lives familiar and unintimidating.
As for you readers, I hope you're still out there. I haven't done too great a job with this livejournal lately, but I like to believe that you're all just as cool as the last time we talked, if not cooler. keep it that way.