(no subject)

Apr 08, 2009 08:23

Hi, sakanadesu! I hope you see this because I forgot to bring my phone to school today so cannot contact you. (And am feeling very disabled without it, urgh.)

Sorry, but Wednesday (today) is a no-go, Gwen can't make it. Thursday, both of you?

On another note, I watched Earnest again yesterday and it's official: I totally have a crush on Gavin Yap (who played Cecily to a great deal of utter hilarity). ♥ Act Two was a riot. *rolls around in happy glee* I'm ridiculously glad I watched it twice. xD Cecily's open-mouthed smiling + the little-girl nods = a combination of dumb 10 year old and dumb 17 year old girl which miraculously works really well. And one of my favorite moments: when Chua Enlai goes from being exceedingly nice to thundering YOU MAY GO TOO FAR in a very very male voice. I think that's probably one of my favorite aspects of their bitch-fight. ♥ And not forgetting Jack's delirious cry of "MOTHER!" and Miss Prism's (Hossan Leong's) look of OMGDON'TTOUCHME!

And Lady Bracknell. ♥ Enough said. Enough.

This might me one of the highlights of my 2009. >D
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