
Dec 16, 2011 02:50

CHARACTERS: suile_madrin and OPEN
LOCATION: Anywhere and everywhere, you pick!
SUMMARY: Just Taylor wandering around/exploring with her chihuahua.

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taylor "tyke" kee, robert capa, america (alfred f. jones)

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flares December 16 2011, 19:49:41 UTC
[ Capa has his head down in one of the very many binders of information he's managed to acquire since waking from stasis. He's had his head down for quite a while now - at least fourteen hours, if his watch is still keeping time correctly - but it feels even longer than that. There's a permanent knot between his shoulder blades, but it's nothing worse than what he'd gone through on the Icarus II. The accomodations here are spacious and almost cozy in comparison - not that Capa has any intentions of getting comfortable.

He's on his way back from Engineering and he's so lost in thought that he doesn't notice the little scraping pitter-patter of feet coming down the adjacent corridor as he rounds the corner. If he's not careful or if Chubbs isn't mindful, there'll be a collision in four, three, two- ]


whoops suile_madrin December 16 2011, 21:27:51 UTC
[Lucky for Capa, Chubbs is all too used to navigating the busy corridors of the Academy, used to being tiny and overlooked by most of the other girls - or if he was noticed, a very good target for a kick or something nastier. He normally has some larger compatriots around to help him out, but at the moment it's just him and Taylor, and when some rather unthinking feet appear round a corner, Chubbs neatly skitters out of the way with a sharp yip of warning.

Taylor herself is a little more hostile with her reaction.]

Watch it. [She darts in and scoops Chubbs up, preventing any further possible dangers from Capa's feet.]

You want to try paying some fucking attention?


farrah fawcett come to me flares December 16 2011, 21:59:07 UTC
[ Capa stumbles backwards, catching his hip on the edge of the corner he just turned and manages to not fall back on his ass though his binder gets dropped, along with all of its papers which scatter across the floor in a leafy smear. Maybe if he was somebody else he'd be a bit more harrowed in his apology but as it stands, Capa's used to that tone of voice from Mace; that it comes from a teenage girl now is a negligible difference. ] Sorry about that I was-

[ He gets sidetracked almost immediately. ] -is that a dog?


the floofiest 70s hair suile_madrin December 16 2011, 23:28:50 UTC
[She notices the sheets of paper, mostly because she hasn't seen paper since she arrived here, has a brief thought over where he got it from and what he might be doing with it. But she's not close enough to see what kind of writing is on it, and then her attention's back on Capa anyway.]

No, he's a rooster. [Chubbs shifts upright in her arms, giving another small yip and licking his nose.] What do you think?


in truth, that's what's got capa's attention flares December 17 2011, 04:02:02 UTC
[ The second thing out of the girl's mouth does nothing to dispel the mental association he's already got going with Mace and so Capa blinks at her and takes it in stride. At least she wasn't hitting him (not yet, at least). His attention shifts back and forth once between her and the dog snuffling at him in her hand. ]

Did it come over in stasis with you?

[ Not that it was his business. But he was curious. And it definitely qualified as a first. ]


hypnotising physicists everywhere suile_madrin December 17 2011, 04:37:35 UTC
[Her expression darkens, but it's not really directed at him.]

No. He was in the fucking locker.

[And if she found out there was a person behind that, she would make sure they paid for it. Chubbs doesn't seem to appreciate revisiting the memory either, squirming in Taylor's hold and letting her know he wants down again. She gives his ears a quick scratch, but sets him down, safe now there are no rogue feet around to threaten him.]


i seriously hope you never get rid of those icons i have such a strange attachment to them flares December 17 2011, 13:35:31 UTC

[ Capa watches, his posture slumping, as the girl sets it back down onto the corridor floor. He's looking for an appropriate word, but all the ones that he manages to come up with are inappropriate, semantically inaccurate, or just not the kind of word Capa would ever say. So instead, he shakes his head and steps back, giving the chihuahua some room. His papers are still strewn across the floor so after a moment, he stoops to kneeling and begins gathering them up again. ] -is he okay? I don't know of any vets on board, but there's a couple medical doctors if you want him checked out.


lol well they're definitely sticking around for now suile_madrin December 17 2011, 23:50:14 UTC
He's fine.

[It's a defensive snap. She doesn't like the implication that she can't take care of her dogs - she's known them since they were puppies, they're the closest thing to family she's got, she doesn't need help from doctors.

But Chubbs trots forward, encouraged closer by the way Capa's knelt down, sniffing at the papers scattered over the floor. Taylor frowns, but continues in a slightly more reasonable tone.]

I know how to check him over. And he'll tell me if he doesn't feel well.


flares December 21 2011, 14:15:03 UTC
[ Capa does pause in his gathering of his papers long enough to duck his head down low and whisper something to Chubbs as he attempts to at least make himself seem less of a threat to the small dog. (Hey there, buddy, maybe. Or perhaps sorry about that.) He knows intellectually that the dog can't understand him but Capa has a basic understanding of the dynamics between different species of animals and he supposes the less threatened the girl's dog seemed, the less aggressive she might ultimately be.


Capa looks up at Taylor, his expression far too even to appear properly curious. ] -literally?


suile_madrin December 22 2011, 05:31:34 UTC
[Chubbs is smart - smarter than he might have been, if he'd been raised and trained by someone else - but he can't understand the man any further than body language and tone of voice. Taylor functions as something of a translator, sometimes, but considering she can't really hear what he's whispering, that's null and void. Still, Chubbs decides he likes the man who almost kicked him, who looked tired and had papers that smelt like they got touched and read over a lot, and his tail gives a few happy wags for the attention.

Behind him, Taylor's frown just deepens, but she's hasn't got this far without trusting her dogs. They were better judges of people than other people were, most of the time.]

I'm a caninapath.

[Which was obviously enough to answer his question.]

What are you? Some sort of math guy?

[That's all she could figure from what she could see of those papers, anyway.]


flares December 22 2011, 12:53:22 UTC
[ Capa blinks at Taylor and then down at Chubbs before looking up at her again. The corner of his mouth gives a little twitch that is probably meant to be a smile, only doesn't have near as much follow-through to make it manifest properly. He knows his Latin, has a basic understanding of some of the extrasensory powers that are floating around on the ship. His mind easily puts two and two together and, really, it is an obvious enough answer to his question. He nods. ] So, literally.

[ He stoops down to collect a few more of his papers and gives Chubbs a rewarding little scratch on his head. For some reason it's easier for him to talk to the dog than it is to Taylor, so he tells the animal: ] I'm an astrophysicist.

[ Then he looks up at Taylor and tells her: ] Capa.


suile_madrin December 23 2011, 00:55:46 UTC
[Taylor doesn't like it when people try to hurt or control her dogs, but scratching or petting them generally wins good points in her book. As long as they don't baby talk them. There was little that annoyed her more than someone cooing at one of her dogs like they were an idiot.

It might be stereotyping, but she couldn't really imagine an astrophysicist doing that.]

Guess that's useful, on a spaceship.

[More useful than her with only one dog. She gives Chubbs a little nudge, and he turns to come back to her, sitting neatly at her feet.]

Tyke. [She was still staying codename only, even if Jennie had breached that with some people.] And this is Chubbs.


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