And you are not alone in this...

Dec 10, 2011 21:39

CHARACTERS: Dean Winchester & YOU!
LOCATION: Just outside the Passenger Quarters
WARNINGS: None, really, except for this good-lookin' dude. :3
SUMMARY: Dean's waiting for Jim Kirk to go on question-hunting adventures with! In the meantime, he's hanging out look like a Very Shady Character. brothers we will stand and we'll hold your hand. )

chase kilgannon, james t. kirk (xi), dean winchester, john watson

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bearsthevision December 10 2011, 22:14:53 UTC
Chase finds a simple solace in the Ghaansgrad. The battered book is comforting to her, the lilac-coloured cover, the battered pages, and if she concentrates she can smell Ondria, the winged Prise who gave it to her. Prise smell nice, she thinks, and that simple scent, those familiar words, they calm her down.

She's walking away from the Passenger's Quarters with the book in hand, reading as she takes steps. She's committed the entire scripture to memory but the words are as comforting as the weight of it in an unfamiliar body.

And then she stops.

She doesn't move, not at first, but her gaze has shifted to the casual-but-not-casual stance of the Beef Jerky trader, and then slowly turns her head to follow, gaze locked onto the older male. And, after a few moments of staring, speaks:

"You're planning something."


iamwinchester December 11 2011, 09:53:28 UTC
Dean follows the voice, eyes dropping down a meter to find its source. There's a flash of concern across them again, habit because seeing a little girl walking around without her parents, existing or not, makes him feel uncomfortable. No little kid should be without his or her parents, something that he had to deal with when he was growing up.

The attitude, however, distracts him from that train of thought and, though he knows he probably shouldn't, he finds her boldness amusing. His lips quirk into a semi-grin, eyebrows lifting towards his hairline a moment later because he really is trying his best to look like he isn't about to go play explorer in places he probably shouldn't be.

"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?"


bearsthevision December 11 2011, 10:08:29 UTC
Chase's face is a cross between duuuh and oh, you're trying to be serious right now, though to be fair it's normally her default look. Still, staring at the freckled man, she closes the book and carefully tucks it underneath her arm, holding on to it like it's something precious to her--which, well, it is.

"It's written all over you," She indicates with a raise of her eyebrow, and she can't help it when a tiny, tiny smile crosses her features. He kind of looks like her twin brother when he'd get caught doing something wrong.

"It's..pretty obvious." A beat, and then: "What are you planning, exactly?"


iamwinchester December 11 2011, 10:24:47 UTC
"Oh, really?" Dean's resisting the urge to drop down to her level, determined not to get drawn into a conversation with a kid about how it looks like he's the one up to something. As far as he remembers, that's not the way things are done.

"Even if I was plannin' somethin', kid, I wouldn't tell you. Hell, isn't it past your bedtime?"


tag before bed~ :D bearsthevision December 11 2011, 10:29:34 UTC
Chase just continues looking up, but there's no animosity in her voice--there is, however, a bit of confusion, quickly followed by her gaze darting to the communication device for the exact time.

"I wasn't aware there was a curfew," she states truthfully, seriously, and after a few seconds of pondering this she reasons that if she's past curfew, so is the guy before him. She may be smart, but it doesn't mean she gets everything.

"Regardless, there's nothing wrong with a bit of curiousity, sir. Are you one of the individuals that are used to space travel?"


Sleep well, bb! <3 iamwinchester December 11 2011, 10:42:23 UTC
Dean has more parenting skills than he ever really lets on to most people. Call it skills he learned raising a little brother. He also has a fairly large heart, something else that's not something he likes to admit to of his own free will. So, instead of actually being concerned that his plans are about to be rumbled by a kid, he's more concerned that there are a bunch of weirdass people walking around and his urge to protect those he sees as needing it is too strong to ignore.

It gives him all the encouragement he needs to actually answer some of her questions without just dismissing them like a douche.

"No. There's pretty much nothin' about bein' stuck on a spaceship that's familiar," he tells her, honestly, actually manages to not sound overly sarcastic about it. The whole idea of being in space is something that still blows his mind.

"Where I'm from traveling in space is uh... it's all experiments while we figure out new technology--" he trails off this time and clears his throat, has a moment of realization.

"Pretty basic, I


bearsthevision December 11 2011, 19:17:37 UTC
"You completely debunk my hypothesis." And, strangely enough, she smiles brightly at this--sure, she was wrong before, but that's one step closer to the truth. Quickly, she explains, used to the bark of Inferno's orders, or the sense of urgency that's always around her brother ( ... )


iamwinchester December 14 2011, 20:41:26 UTC
"Dean," Dean actually introduces himself to the little girl-- to Chase using his real name, and if he looks like she lost him a while back, it's probably because she did. His eyes haven't glazed over, but he has no idea how so many long words can emerge from such a tiny little person. He extends a hand and shakes hers in return, strange because this isn't usually the way little girls introduce themselves.

"You lost me at 'you completely debunk'," he confesses and actually looks half-sheepish about that. It isn't like he's not intelligent enough with certain things, or that he's not interested, but the level of smart that Chase handles so casually is blowing his mind.


bearsthevision December 14 2011, 21:49:10 UTC
"In layman's terms," Chase isn't used to explaining herself, and that's no fault of Dean's intelligence--it's simply because she's grown among scientists and soldiers, and is just plain used to people understanding her.

"Every reason I try to come up with why we're here fizzles out because of something-or-other that happens. Like you never being in space." She pauses, removing her hand from Dean's and pressing her lips together.

"It's frustrating, and kind of hurting my head."


iamwinchester December 14 2011, 21:58:18 UTC
"Yeah, I have that affect on people, kid," Dean replies and it isn't the first time he's frustrated someone to the point of a migraine. That, he figures, is just one of his many talents.

"No, I've never been in space. Yeah, all this is ten types of crazy. ...more crazy than usual which is pretty freakin' Outer Limits, at times," he's half-rambling now and it isn't because he's worried his plans are going to be discovered. Actually, he thinks this might be one time where being honest might help.

"I'm goin' out lookin' for some answers. If I find anything... I'll come let you know."


bearsthevision December 14 2011, 22:05:12 UTC
Outer limits? Chase tilts her head to the side, but before she can ask Dean has moved on, and that leaves Chase to conclude that it's something like Capa mentioned--the strange cultural differences. She notes that Dean's probably not even heard of Heaven's Fence--what with the 'feathery asshole' comment earlier, and regards him with cool detachment.

"You're going to get yourself killed if you're not careful," She points out casually, shrugging.

"There's something wrong with this ship."


iamwinchester December 14 2011, 22:08:36 UTC
"Oh, if only I was that lucky," there's not a single thing in the world that would prompt Dean to explain his comment. Especially not to a kid. Instead he grins, half a cover-up, and doesn't do much to disagree that the ship is messed up. That's a nice way to put it.

" think it was the ship who pulled everyone here?"


bearsthevision December 14 2011, 22:41:09 UTC
If only I was that lucky?

The confusion is evident on Chase's face and the brunette wrinkles her nose slightly, before nodding slightly. Maybe it's an Outer Limits reference, for all she knows. She focuses on what she can answer.

"I'm not sure if it's the ship itself, but it's wrong. It's not right, I can't--I can't quite explain it, Mr. Dean."


iamwinchester December 17 2011, 12:36:55 UTC
"Dean. Just call me Dean," he says and doesn't like the formality. He's never liked formality, never having given authority the same respect as he's being given now. It's completely unjustified and, as far as he's got it figured, not something he wants to develop into a habit.

"I have no idea who can explain it but I'm gonna find some answers. Whatever the hell they are. Some people around here don't want to know but I like to know how deep I'm in."


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