[ Alright, she's going to make this short and sweet (by Vriska's standards) and remarkably, not take a second to complain about the whole situation. In fact, things might be looking up for her; after all, she's not stuck in a dream bubble anymore.
Vriska's already taken a moment to assess the damage and the possibilities of her being here, and for
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i was starting to enjoy the lack of spiderbitchiness around here
and thanks a lot for telling everyone youre unarmed
makes it a lot easier for me if i need to beat the shit out of you
let me guess
youre not from the facility either
I'm not unarmed, dum8ass! 8ut if you want to keep thinking that, I won't stop you.
You're easier to fool than I thought.
If this is a8out the OTHER me, then no.
Sorry to disappoint!
so why are you looking for blue dice then
since youre not missing yours of course
other other you actually
not that im all that disappointed
id have to actually WANT to see you to be disappointed
im not seeing much of a difference here so far
do you know who i am thief of light
All you need to know is that I'm not unarmed. ::::)
I'm not a fucking idiot, and you're Jack.
Although evidently not OUR Jack.
Do I even need to worry a8out you?
[ she's very quick to assume everything is just another session gone wrong or another alternate universe or timeline. she's all too versed in how she believes The Medium works. ]
but hey if you insist
guess ill just keep all these dice to myself
why dont you tell me
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