[Jim's in engineering, you can see the room behind where he sits. he looks a little tired, but his eyes are as bright as ever as he looks into the camera.]
Hey all, Kirk here.
We've been up here for about a week, ship's time, which probably seems like forever and no time at all for most of you. Trust me when I say that probably won't change much. I know a lot of you are still panicking, but we need to keep in mind that the only way we're going to get out of this situation safely is by staying calm.
Anyone still adjusting to their human body should remember to stop by medical. A week is more than long enough to mess yourself up, even if you know what you're doing. [his tone says, trust me, i've been there.]
If the internal clock is anything to go by, we'll arrive at Tansei Station in about 12 days. I know we don't have much with us, but if you're thinking you need something, you might want to consider what you can barter when we get there. There's no telling when our next chance at shore leave will happen again.
[here, Jim glances away, keying something in, and anyone who expressed interest to Resnik and Ward in their broadcast concerning data collection will get a ping before he goes on.]
> open broadcast > attn $data collection team/$resnik/$ward
I've managed to get the chronometer back online, but she won't give me anything outside of a 24 hour count. [so no stardates or the equivalent thereof.] I've been trying to pull up a map of this place for the passed 78 hours but it's like the damn thing never existed in the first place. I'm starting to wonder if a blueprint was even put in the databanks.
> to: $spock | text | encryption 100%
Spock, status report. How's that list of personnel coming?
> to: $scienceAteam | text | encryption 100%
Hey guys, anyone have updates on that theory we had going?
Or an idea of how to get some private communication set up? I don't know about you, but I'm starting to doubt how safe these encryptions are if the computer system is smiling at our resident technopaths.