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Dec 14, 2011 21:30

Oh, Tranquility. Looks as though the honeymoon's over. We all had a good run-around with our hands in the air wondering what the hell was going on... a week in, no real answers as to what happened, things are getting all Quiet on the Western Front and suddenly - bam. Potential prophecy of impending doom. The long silence about to be broken. Secrets beginning to creep in from the shadows...

It’s all very exciting and a little bit scary, or possibly the other way ‘round depending on who you are, but here’s a bit of advice. Resist the urge to start the whole hands-in-the-air thing again. It’s fun the first time, and necessary in a way, but after a certain point it just becomes counter-productive. We can’t start panicking or killing ourselves over the suspense. Find a book to read. Get to know your neighbors. Play cards or charades or chess. And whatever you do...

[He leans in a touch closer - he seems serious about what he's about to say, but there's a look in his eyes. A knowledge, you might say, if you had to put a word to it.]

...Whatever you do, don’t go trying to hunt those secrets down before their time. Don't think about those parts of the ship the lifts won't take you to. If you find anything that looks like a Big Important Button, do not under any circumstances think about pressing it.

If you see a locked door -- just walk the other way.

[He holds that look for a moment, then glances down as though he’s about to cut the feed - but then glances up again, his mood doing a one-eighty from focused and intense to relaxed and casual.]

--one more thing. It occurs to me that all of us have had something about us changed. On the one end of the spectrum we have the people who only received the number on their arm; on the other end, some of you got the full-body transplant. And in the middle there's people like that nice girl from earlier, with the running, and me... and my sonic screwdriver.

[He holds it up for everyone to see.]

Now I’m not saying this is the same thing as having a biological function altered, although the sonic is a bit organic; all the same, could be something else entirely. I almost hope it is... Some sort of security measure; disable technology foreign to the ship to minimize damage in case of invasion or attack. Which I’d understand, only I’d like to know about it if that’s what’s going on. I’m looking at you -- [And here he smiles at last, and it's almost - flirtatious?] -- Commander Resnik.

c: resnik, c: kasumi goto, c: sherlock holmes, c: taylor "tyke" kee, c: red alert, c: caleb st. clair, c: gibson, c: agent north dakota, c: kroton, c: james t. kirk (xi), the doctor (eleventh), c: garrus vakarian, c: max "hotspur" southey, c: megamind, c: gideon "mouse" graham, c: chase kilgannon, c: dave strider, c: america (alfred f. jones), c: astral, c: dean winchester

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