Dec 13, 2011 20:22

[ What up, Tranquility. There's a man on your video feed looking pretty damn tired, despite appearing (and acting) otherwise cheerful. Ohhhhh boy, it's been awhile since he's done his Temple TV stuff, but this is. Basically the same. Right? Okay. Just do it. ]

Hi. Connor Temple here. So, starting off, aside from the whole spaceship thing, I wanted to see how everyone's doing. Being lonely's pretty horrible, and if anyone's a bit under the weather, I know how you feel. Might do a film night, actually. There's gotta be some quality material in the media libraries-I haven't checked or anything, but some popcorn and a top 10 list shouldn't be too hard to find. So. Might be nice.

Moving on-I'm pretty good with technology, so if any of you need anything of yours fixed, I'd be happy to help. Otherwise, I'll be in the engineering department, on... well, some level for now, not sure which. So just give me a call if you need me, number zero-zero-one, zero-two-six, and I'll come running.

Okay, now everyone can ignore this next part. It won't apply to you. Unless your name is Abby Maitland. Then it will definitely apply.

[ Connor pauses for a moment, then speaks. His voice slides up a tiny bit in pitch when he does, hopeful and searching; he's looked for Abby, of course, scoured the medbay and passenger rooms within an inch of their lives-but he knows Abby's a smart woman, and she'd have made herself known if she was actually here. One more thing left for him to do, then. And that's ask the entire network. ]

So-if your name is Abby-you there?

[ There's wait of maybe thirty seconds. His eyes dart to the side, as if listening. No answer.

Not like he expected one. 8( ]

Worth a shot. Back to your regularly scheduled network program.

[ W e l p. Weak salute. That wasn't too bad, but he looks pretty crestfallen. Ughhhh, feelings. TIME TO BURY THEM IN WORK. Which brings him to... ]

> to: $ward / $resnik | TEMPLE encryption | 100%
[ BUT WAIT, it's a private feed. Not that it necessarily needs to be, but he'd wanted a reason to test this new encryption out on the Big Wigs.

He clears his throat. ]

Just wondering-where we're stopping, Tansei, I think it was-are we getting any peripheral items? Besides food, I mean. And can they be requested at all? If not, that's perfectly fine. It's nothing important, really-just wanted to build something to pass the time, and some extra materials would be pretty cool to have. This place isn't exactly made of fun and games.

Just get to back to me when you can. Rock-n-roll.

c: eames, c: applejack, c: james t. kirk (xi), c: jane foster, c: spock (xi), c: garrus vakarian, c: ward, c: chase kilgannon, connor temple, c: tali'zorah vas normandy, c: robert capa, c: ariadne, c: caleb st. clair

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