Mar 30, 2008 19:46
It's such a shame when people dilute this language even further. Already, some of the most important words there are in the English language are relatively meaningless. People say that they live for cheesecake and they love their friends and their cats are their whole world. If someone truly lived for a single concept or entity, it would dominate their whole consciousness. Nothing they do would ever be aimed at anything else. Cheesecake is one of the foods I like to eat the most, but it would take a level of devotion that most people would find unimaginable to say that you live for it. People don't love their friends. That's why they're friends and not something more significant. The people that say that, generally say it to every person they're acquainted with and to whom they speak more than twice a week. Love, like the first example, is a profound connection that the majority of humanity will never experience and will never even realize it. People are generally unable of achieving that level of emotional and intellectual proximity. I've never actually felt anything similar to what I would call love for more than a few hours, so I don't even claim to know it firsthand. If anything, that only heightens my sense of the emotion's profundity, though. It truly does not deserve the level of trivialization that our society attaches to it. People's whole world... Most people's worlds consist of things that they are utterly oblivious to. They devote themselves to such ridiculous shit without even realizing, that they couldn't possibly even identify their actual focus. If it's pointed out to them, they will deny it violently or will agree wholeheartedly without even the slightest glimmer of understanding of all the fundamental implications of their idiotic idolatry. It's certainly possible to transfix yourself on something as inane and facile as a pet. I've definitely seen it happen. Most people, however, just have no clue what emotional ties actually are. They attempt to inflate their sense of significance in order to hide from the fact that they are, indeed, utterly alone in this world.
After writing this, I realize, now, that the problem lies in people's inability to be truly sincere with themselves. I don't really understand why it's so necessary to do that constantly. Reality isn't that frightening. Insignificance is just a fact of life. There's no escaping these simple tenants of reality. Denial of them only takes people even further from the things they truly want. Every human being wants to be loved. Every human being wants to gain mutual attachment to as many people as they can, but they refuse to do what's needed to facilitate that. People water down the language in an attempt to swell their own sense of importance. God, I wish sincerity wasn't so rare.