I suppose I should consider myself lucky that I've gotten this far in life without having a serious portable technology issue that wasn't self-inflicted.
I've got an S6, and it's been great. We are about 6 months out from the end of our contract, and we're waffling about what we're going to do. MTS was bought by Bell, which basically means our ISP was purchased by the Steaming Asshole of Satan.
Anyway, the battery on my phone has slowly started to go downhill as it aged. Nothing drastic, just what you'd expect from an aging device that gets charged and recharged every day. Well, on (?) Friday I noticed that the battery life took a shit. Like, I would unplug it from the charger, and within 10 minutes the battery would drop from 100% to 80%. If the screen was on you could sit there and just watch the battery percentage tick down.
Normally when this happened I'd just restart the phone, and whatever application had gone rogue would reset and it would be fine. I did that a few times, though, and it didn't seem to help.
Yesterday (Saturday) it got even worse. I used my phone just to play music for about one hour while we were running errands, and it dropped to below 50%. The screen wasn't even on. It got even WORSE in the evening, to the point where I didn't think I could get too far from a charger.
This morning I did some tests: rebooting into safe mode to see if the battery drain was the fault of any 3rd party app (no), and then did a full factory reset. When the reset did nothing and I was still having the same battery issues, we decided it was hardware and that the battery had given up.
The S6 is still a fairly popular phone, even though it's kinda old, so a few places in town still had them in stock. I grabbed a new one from Staples, and spent the rest of the day (and evening) updating it and reinstalling my life onto it.
We'll get my old S6 fixed (it probably just needs a new battery) and then we'll use it as a backup phone. Still... That's $500 I wasn't planning on spending this weekend. :(
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