On Tuesday, we went out to Garbage Hill to try to see
Comet Pan-STARRS. It was cold. No, it was fucking cold. After about an hour and a quarter,
plonq got a bit of a smudge next to the moon in one of his shots, and we called it good. I was afraid that I'd lost some fingers, but the feeling eventually returned to them.
This is one of our quick dinners. Spinach fettuccine (made locally), sundried tomatoes (dried romas from our garden), pine nuts, tossed with olive oil and a bit of balsamic vinegar. It's pretty good for quick.
More food.Yesterday I attended a fundraiser downtown in which local restaurants made soup. I didn't hear who won the Best Soup, but this was my favourite. I'm going to try to recreate this as best I can.
Progress on the computer room moves slowly on weekdays. I finally have most of the shelving moved out, and all of the crap that was living on the shelves. I won't show you the living room just yet, though, which is where all the crap got moved to.