[WoW] If it's Friday night...

Jan 30, 2009 23:51

...it must be time to kill monsters!

Guild-first kill of Kel'Thuzad in 10-man Naxx. (That's me in the Indiana Jones hat on the step of the throne; plonq is next to my Mr. Pinchy on the floor beside me. kamiten is casually sitting on the far right of the pedestel.)

We have enough raid-ready players to reliably put together a 10-man Naxx every week, but getting two groups together weekly is stretching it a bit. Some of our players have seen Naxx all the way through on both 10-man and 25-man in PUGs, but getting it done all in-guild was kinda special. We're waiting until we can get enough players together reliably to start doing 25-mans; I think it might be several weeks before we even attempt that.

On the plus side, now we have a key for Malygos. We'll be trying him out Sunday just for kicks (we're still a bit undergeared for that, though.)

wow, warcraft, boss kill

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