So far, things have been going ok. That is to say, the work hasn't been too difficult yet. A few points:
- We got the first assignment for Tools of TC back yesterday, and I think I'm the only one (out of five) who didn't need to make any revisions. So, woot.
- I have successfully tested out of the first half of Writer's Craft (the grammar portion.) I don't know what I got on my proficiency test, except that I did well enough to pass. Woot! (You couldn't miss more than 8 out of 40.)
- On the other hand, I'm not sure I'll be able to ditch the second half of the class. We need to have taken some kind of literature class at the college level and received a C or better. I was sure that I'd taken American Lit or some variation during college, but when I checked out my transcripts last yesterday, I saw that I never did take it. I took College English I and College English II, and I also took The Bible as Literature. College English had lots of literature appreciation elements to it, so I'm hoping that College English combined with the Bible class is enough to get me out of the second half of this class. *crosses fingers*
- I'm seeing a lot of technical snafus. I can't seem to access my college network drive. Our class doesn't have access to the online sharing center one of our instructors will be posting info on. My printing account should have about $100 in credit on it, but it actually has $0 (so I can't print anything.)
- plonq and I are starting to figure out a good schedule. I bought a bus pass for this month because I wasn't sure how often I'd be riding the bus, but it's starting to look like buying a book of tickets might be the cheaper choice. (Err, and now that I've tested out of one class, we'll need to reassess the transportation schedule.)
As an aside, it makes no sense to me why it should be cheaper for us to drive in (and have me ride the bus once in a while) than it is for both of us to ride the bus. Full fare for Winnipeg Transit is $2.25. (!!) They raise the price every year because they have fewer people riding the bus. Maybe they have fewer people riding the bus because they keep raising the price? Hmm.
In other news: election time! A federal election was called Sunday, so in October I'll be voting in my first federal election in Canada. ^.^ I'm thinking about drafting a letter this week during one of my free periods to send to the candidates in our riding. I pretty much know each of the major parties' stances on the major issues: crime, health care, the economy, the environment, etc. I'm interested in hearing what they think about food safety and labelling issues, DRM and digital copyright, net neutrality, arts funding, predatory cell phone pricing, and animal welfare (for example, the Free Press ran a piece on Sunday about puppy mills in Manitoba.)
I'm curious: should I send a brief questionaire to each candidate asking their thoughts about each of these issues, or should I send (short) individual emails detailing my concerns about each issue and asking their thoughts? I'm thinking the former, with maybe a brief explanation about why I'm asking them about it. (For example, mentioning the new "Made in Canada" product labelling law as a good thing the Conservatives did, but then asking what else they are doing to safeguard the nation's food supply, especially in light of the huge meat and cheese listeria outbreak in Ontario and Quebec.)
Hmm, I probably need a "politics" icon as well.