Info Dump Wednesday

Jun 25, 2008 13:06

Well, it's only Wednesday and it's already been a pretty busy week. I need a down-day. Tomorrow is my day off, which is good, but I'm not sure how "down" it's going to be.

1) The new car needs to go into the shop tomorrow. >:( We hadn't really tried out the AC until this weekend, and, well, it isn't cold. It's not even a pretense of cold. The climate control on the car can be set to automatically make the cabin temperature whatever you set it to. If you set it to "zomg" cold, the AC kicks in and you can hear the compressor running, and the fans kick in to high gear, but it's just lukewarm air coming out of the vents.

The car is two months old, so you can color me Not Impressed. Since we haven't really tried to AC until just now, it's possible that this problem actually came with the car (which impresses me even less - I thought they were supposed to check these things on delivery?) We're going to see if they can fix it before our trip, but if they can't we might just be sans AC for our trip to the coast. The summers aren't too hot there so it shouldn't be too bad.

I'll drop the car off tomorrow morning and take the loaner car home. Hopefully it's something that they can fix quickly, but I have a feeling this will be one of those things they have to order a rare part from Germany for. :( *sigh*

2) We had some ugly news dropped on us at work yesterday. It's been so nice having two weekends off and one weekend on... I knew it wasn't going to last. We're getting a new client this summer and they're going to need some extra attention, so they want to boost our coverage on the weekends. (I shall, of course, point out that this will DECREASE our weekday coverage, and weekends are pretty freaking slack as it is, even with just ONE person working.)

Right now it looks like the *worst* case scenario is going back to every other weekend like it was before. *sigh* Sucks, but I guess I can deal with that. I hope I can swing to have Tuesdays instead of Thursdays off again, though. (Although a Monday or Friday would be awesome - three day weekend every other week!) This will start mid-August, if it does.

3) I've been playing a bit of phone tag with the folks from the college. I'm trying to set up an appointment with an academic advisor to see if there's anything else at the college that looks interesting. They did call me saying they were going to set up a test for the Creative Communications program, but if they call me for that again I'm just going to say that I'm not interested in that one. I can't see the point of taking a lot of classes that won't have much to do with what I know I wanted to take. I went to a liberal arts college and had to take poetry and history and all that jazz in addition to the core science and math credits. I've been there and done that. I don't want to do it again. I want something more focused.

4) I am now speaking to you from the other side of The Ring. I put it in for the first time last night. Basically, it's a thin plastic ring (sorta like a firm jelly bracelet, if you remember those) that you just cram up inside of you as far as you can and leave there. Three weeks later you take it out and wait a week, or you can stack them: wear one for four weeks, then put in another one right away, or do 3-3-1, or 4-4-1, or whatever. The prescribed use is 3-1-3-1, but if you leave it in for what was supposed to be your off week, you can skip your period. I poked around on a bunch of different communities and it seems most people use the 4-4-1 method. (This would be similar to "stacking" your oral contraceptives, which I've done occasionally.)

We haven't ... you know, *used* it yet since I just put it in last night, so I don't know if it's going to be an issue while we're having sex. But it's waaaay up there. (The pamphlet with it was filled with reassurances that it won't get lost, it can't float up into your uterus, etc etc - the same things that girls sometimes worry about with tampons). If it's an issue for your guy, you can take it out for the festivities so long as you put it back in right away (you can leave it out for up to three hours.)

Anyway, I think I can feel it up there, but that might be because I've also got a tampon in. You can use them together - I just think that the tampon is far enough in to smoosh against the ring and bulge it out of its elliptical shape, which would make it more noticable.

I will definitely keep you appraised of how it's going. :) Goal is: reduced migraines.

Also on tap: we need to clean up the house a bit, buy some kitty litter and food, mow the lawn, weed the garden, whack the weeds, and organize a cat sitter. I've been so stressed out for various reasons for a few days now - I just want to sit in a dark room with a bucket of ice cream and a spoon. So, some good things:

* I get Monday off in lieu of Canada Day, so - woot! Three day weekend.
* I got my naked dancing dranei lady thing the other night in WoW.
* The irises are blooming.

vacation, work, school, stress, nuvaring

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