This subject crops up here on a regular basis, I know. It keeps cropping up in my head, too. I wish I could resolve this for myself, one way or the other.
My school loans are close to being paid off. I've been considering doing a lump sum payment one of these days, just to get it out of the way. And with that little detail out of the way, one of the self-imposed hurdles to going back to school will be gone.
I've been looking at
this program for a long time - almost two years. When I first heard about it, it sounded really interesting. I like writing. I like detailed stuff. I like computers and technical stuff. It seems to be a perfect match. But, it was a new program at the time, and there was no employment data to be had for the program. I was (understandably, I think) nervous about enrolling in an unproven program. They have employment data now for the first class they graduated. Sample size of 4, and 3 are employed. The sample size makes me nervous, but they also said that their co-op program had more offers for co-op students than they had students.
I'm nervous about spending another two years of my life in school and possibly ending up unemployed in my chosen field again. I'm dreading going out and looking for work in my current situation, because while I'm technically skilled, I don't have any documentable experience that I can show to a prospective employer. (My current employer will not give out any information regarding your term at the company. They will confirm that you worked for them, but will say nothing about what you actually did. ...Which is another reason that I want to get the freak out of there. Screw them.)
Also, I've commited to two weeks off in November. We're going to
MFF again this year, and I'm doing the art and literature track again. (Whee! Anyone want to do some panels?!) I also really, really want to make it to Erie this year to see the other side of my family again. :( Thanksgiving is the best time to do that, since everyone's around on that day... And I promised that we'd go, so that's that. Taking two weeks off at the end of a semester is - well, Not Good. So I'd either have to tell the folks at MFF and my extended family that I'm blowing them off this year, or wait until next year.
More waiting to make changes.
Well, that one's not an issue, anyway. I've commited to things... And besides, I'm really looking forward to MFF again. ^.^ (And seeing the relatives, too, of course.)
So, in the interested of organizing my thoughts, here is a list of pros and cons to enrolling in this program. It's a full-time, two year program. Finances aren't really an issue - we would be quite poor for two years, but we could afford it. (Cut back on sushi, etc. :)
Pro: Get the fark out of my current job.
Con: Could be stuck without gainful employement after 2 years and $6,000.
Pro: Could find an interesting, engaging career that I really enjoy.
Con: Could discover that I'm completely unsuited for this stuff.
High risk (time and cash spent) for possible high reward... Or extreme failure.
Returning to school at 33? Urgh.
I think my biggest fear is failure - either not surviving in the program, or not being able to find a job when I get out. I'm all about comfort zones, and I'm in one right now - as much as I hate it. Stepping out of it is scary.
If you read this far, thanks for letting me vent at you. :)