Once more unto the breach... or: The city at christmas time

Dec 06, 2005 17:06

It borders on an adventure to leave the house these days. Christmas songs everywhere, every one wants to sell something to you, and funny Hare Krishna people who distribute books and want me to convert to whatever they believe in (oh, and could they have just a teeny bit of my money, of course...). No, thank you very much, I'm rather comfy in my semi-atheistic bubble, rest assured. Which does not mean that I'm not in interested in religion. I'm actually very much interested in religion; I love learning about and discussing it and I can very well respect other people's beliefs, even if they contradict mine. I'm just not interested in practicing religion. Moreover the whole atmosphere on the streets is far too love-y for my taste. I dislike how the world seems to scream at me "It's christmas, be generous!" As if that wasn't a virtue at any other time of the year. Oh, and if I'm not spending any money for your various concerns it's not because I do not want to be good or because I am a bad person. It's only that I do not believe in spending money for things I do not believe in. Take that, you obscure religious groups.

Caranthir: So what will you do now?

Me: Hide under my bed and spend my time brooding darkly until it's over. Use the time to perfect my evil plans to take over the world. Gift you with a nice sharp blade to clear the path for me.

Caranthir: I thought you like Christmas?

Me: I do, actually. I like the act of giving gifts to each other, and if it's only small ones. But I dislike the utter commercialization of it. And too much is too much.

Caranthir: Err, by the way, can I ask you for something?

Me: Yeees??

Caranthir: Stop quoting Henry V. It's damn pretentious.

Me: *rolls eyes*

me & the noldo, random stuff

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