See the thing is, i haven't had a camera of my own since july of 1998. It was then that I embarked on a month long journey to Australia. Among the gifts and things that i recieved from various family members and family friends was a $160 shiny yellow APS (advanced photo system) underwater camera. Oh boy oh boy, i WAS the coolest kid on the block back then. That camera was soooooo fresh. It was APS so i could take pics in either the normal 4" x 5" size or a larger 5" x 5½" or an astounding panoramic 12" x 3" size. For 1998 this camera was waaay cool, and I used it and abused it on that trip and had a great time. After that one went out of commision sometime in 2000 i was forced to rely either on instant cameras or using my granda's 35mm camera. This meant that while my friends all had cameras and were enjoying themselves with memories to keep forever, i hardly ever felt it was worth the trouble getting 2 sometimes 3 instant cams so i did without. I even had to use my grandma's camera (which was not easy cuz she never wanted to part with it, my mom ended up having to sneak it out of the house for me) to take Photo A at Venice High School with Mr. Shapiro.
Man o man, i would have loved a camera back then... but then, i got to college. Oh did the wonderful candid moments that i would love to enjoy forever in a preserved state stop happening? Nooooooooooooo. They got better. everything from the first drive up here to Monterey, to the beaches, to the unnecessarily drunk times with various police agencies, the military might shown around campus, the other incidents that cannot be spoken of **, to all of the places i've travelled since being up here like friscoe, Jackson, Sutter creek, Madonna Inn, SB, Santa Cruz, and all the others in between. Of course brooke had her digital camera with her most of the time and often allowed me to take a lot of the pix but it still didn't feel completely perfect cuz i'd always have to go to her house and e-mail the pix i took to myself. this is not to mention all the time when i've had to shout "e-mail me those pix" after having a cool photo session or getting my picture taken.
Anyways.... to make this long story short, i was glancing through the office max catalogue of items on sale the weekend after thanksgiving and after passing it off as a typo more than 3 times i finally decided to inquire further and I found out that yes they were offering a 5 Megapixel, 1.8" LCD, (32 mb card included) Digital Camera for 148.99. Holy shit, i nearly sniffled. I told brooke and then when we got back to her house i immediately called my mom and told her that if i didn't get anything else for my birthday/christmas (2 days apart) gift then I would not be sad as long as i go tthis camera. She was contemplating and told me to check some account info for her and call back in 10 mins. So i ran upstairs to brooke's computer and began looking for the bank website. Brooke comes up like 5 mins later and says that i didn't need to call my mom and that things had been taken care of... She tried to suprise me but i wouldn't let her get away with it, it turns out in the few minutes i was upstairs checking the bank, she was conspiring with my mom's voicemailbox, and her roomate and she decided that she would get the camera for me as my gift.
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH YEAH!!!!! So now i am the proud owner of a fancy new 5 MP digital camera that came complete with 8 recharable batteries, and a charging station with a DC outlet and car charger!!!!!!! All for $150. Holy shit, i looked on the Best buy website and the 5 MP's are like
$299 at the least. Now i know that a digital camera is probably small fish for a lot of you and may not even be worth a huge LJ entry but i'm fucking excited cuz i haven't a camera in such a long time!!! I love my boo and she loves me. So you'll be expecting a lot more pix from me in the future and more cafepress items.
Come chek out my still growingstore on CafePress! thanksgiving was great, had a good good time, ate some food loved some people. I love my family and my one day extended family. Talk to you guys later!
my first posted picture...
The story will have to wait till next time...
**That means you baby...