Apr 10, 2009 00:45
I had a really awesome birthday. Thanks to all of you who made it so. my mom got me three beautiful new orchids, one has 5 spikes! can't wait to see them bloom. jeff fixed my laptop so now i just have to put all my programs back on and i'm good to go. so many other things... whee... good times...
the ritual tonight went okay... was able to really get all the spell components tingly, but when i said farewell to Dagda, the glass i had his offering in shattered... i dunno if thats a good sign or a bad one... hmmm....
Here's my Birthday celtic cross spread focusing on the next year:
1. Page of Coins - Wanting to change your line of work or take on more responsibility
2. Ten of Swords - Unable to have an effect or change influences going around you. The need to just go along with the flow
3. IV The Emperor - The struggle for personal independance
4. King of Cups - An emotionally mature man, capable of giving and receiving love
5. Two of Wands - Good advice being given and received
6. King of Swords - You've won the war, now you must win the peace
7. XIX The Sun - Growth and harmonious development in all aspects of life
8. VII The Chariot - Caring, nuturing. Concentrate on your objectives, don't get sidetracked
9. X The Wheel of Fortune - Abundance, faith, opportunity
10. Eight of Wands - Things around you speeding up.