Older women- or- women my age I guess

Oct 10, 2010 20:05

In all probability I am never going to date a woman near my own age ever again. In my experiences I've found that the danger of dating older women is that they are judgmental. If they don't tell you immediately what they don't like about what you are doing or saying, then they either second guess what they think you are doing or saying or hold it in to tell you about it in a list like fashion later.

In other words, older women pretty much in my experience always are trying to make me say or do exactly how or what they think, the way they like it. IE- they make the rules and I am supposed to know and follow these rules, without being given a warning or a rulebook.

I explained it this way to a guy I was moving boxes with. I can say to a older woman, "Can you hand me that box please?" and she will say "what do you want that box for? Shouldn't you get this other one first? Or what about this one here? I think you have it all out of order, so forth and so on...." If I said to a younger woman, "Can you hand me that box please?" She would in all probability, just hand me the box." He said, "Yep, that's about right."

I am not seeking to be controlling, I just don't like to be controlled.

In my experience, a younger woman is often sweeter, warmer, more open to going places and doing things and trying things at least once before telling you things like "Oh I've heard of that and I don't think that's a good idea." Obviously I'm not going to take a date somewhere that is not going to be fun, and if I am dating a younger woman, and she gives whatever a chance, usually the response is good. If it's with a older lady, I never even get a chance, I'm immediately shuttered into doing only things with her friends or places she likes to go. There is almost never any kind of balance. I used to listen to my parents debate over where we were going to go have dinner, while we were in the car driving to.... somewhere. That is more balance imo.

I often get told by women who break up with me all my flaws. It sounds remarkably familiar to me because inevitably the things they tell me were driving them nuts about me are always the same exact qualities that they possess that were driving me bonkers.

I don't have to be always right, I just like to pretend that I am. I think only one woman has ever seen through this and gotten the joke. Mostly I think, because she was and is right about 99% of the time. She isn't arrogant about it though, she just lets me figure out that I'm wrong all on my own, well, sometimes anyway. She is much younger than me, sweet, doesn't have any baggage, other than me, and I am not sure how I feel about her still or how she feels about me, but of all the women I have known, she still seems to treat me the most fair. She knows who she is if she reads this.

Anyway, I'm done with women my age. I think, who knows?

Why did I write this? You know that whole "If you don't stop it I'm going to pull over and walk." bit? I did that today, a friend got insulted when I exasperatedly said "Aren't you an Austinite?" She said it was unsafe to walk in Central Austin after dark, that her friends on 6th street were attacked by some girl randomly pepper spraying them. I was dropping her off with friends at ACL and she had mentioned that when it came time to leave, they could possibly drop her off further north away from the huge traffic jam. I couldn't stop myself from a laugh when she made it clear that she was paranoid about being randomly attacked with pepper spray. To me, it was as random a thing as possible to say kinda like "I'm afraid I'll get a spoon thrown at me." Then she said "Of course I'm an Austinite!" and then she said "I don't even know why I'm going to this thing, I hate big crowds of people listening to music and drinking alcohol and smoking pot." I didn't say anything, just looked at her sideways like "?????? Isn't that what Austinites DO?" Anyway she told me to drop it, and then continued to talk about how badly she is insulted and what she thinks is wrong with me. I say "Didn't you say to drop it?" She said, "Well now, isn't that talking?" I said "Look you're the one talking, am I supposed to just sit here and take it? If you like I'll pull over and walk, and you can drive yourself." She said "I'm calling your bluff! Do it." So I did. I walked across half of Austin today, but I'm not going to sit in a car and be yelled at by someone who I am supposedly doing a favor for.
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