Nov 12, 2005 18:07
This may just be the Martini talking but I've recently discovered that
in all of our many moments of tiny infamy comes an immense amount of
satisfaction. And in those small strides to self bettermeant there is
also satisfaction to be found. And even if it appears to others that
your strides are made purely in vain regardless it feels right to you.
In the box things always look better than they appear on the outside.
The satisfaction only comes from the lesson that those on the outside
of the box and their opinions, assumptions, accusations, ideals, and
persecutions don't really matter. Actually they don't matter at all.
They are worthless in workings of your life. And once you throw your
arms in the air and yell out a huge "fuck you" you're surrcoming to
their demands from the outside. You're inside. Stay there. Stay in your
right nows. Stay in your tomarrows and your yesturdays. You need not
travel to theirs and you need not be upset when they knock on yours.
Let them knock. Let them knock till their hearts content, what they
have to not worth the walk to the door.
Thats self satisfaction. Thats self glory. You know what? Fuck. Thats just plain glory.
One small step for self one giant leap for humanity.
hahahaha. Seriously though. Theres truth. And theres much more meaning
to it than just Martini talk. Trust me. You don't matter anymore.
You're thoughts don't matter anymore.
God this morphine does me good. Does me soooo much good. And ahhhh this brilliant Martini.
This is real peace. This is real satisfaction.
Say what you will but I'm not answering the door, ever again.