May 11, 2006 15:54
ATLANTIS. INFIRMARY. Aiden is setting up the camera ready to record Carson's message. Carson can be seen in the viewscreen, looking very uncomfortable as he settles onto a stool. Aiden starts recording.
BECKETT: I must warn you -- I'm not very good at this sort of thing.
FORD: Well, don't worry. The only people who'll see it is gonna be your family.
BECKETT: Aye -- and you and the US military!
FORD: Well, give it a shot?
BECKETT: What shall I say?
FORD: Uh, uh, "I miss you"? "I wish you were here"?
BECKETT: I wish who was here?
FORD: I don't know. Who do you wish was here?
BECKETT: Nobody! I wish I wasn't bloody here!
(Aiden rolls his eyes.)
FORD: Doc, I got a lot of people I've gotta get through.
(Carson sighs.)
BECKETT: Alright, uh, I suppose I could say hullo to my mother.
FORD: Good. There y'go. Alright -- you ready?
(Carson gulps and steels himself, staring into the camera nervously.)
FORD: OK, go.
BECKETT (into camera): Hullo, Mum! I hope this message finds you well. I trust your petunias are in full bloom by now. Oh, and I do hope you're keeping up with the ointment I gave you. (Aiden stares in disbelief.) If you've adhered to the regime, the fungus should have cleared up by now.
(Aiden grimaces. Carson notices his _expression.)
BECKETT: What's wrong?
FORD: Dude, fungus?!
BECKETT: On her toenails! I thought you said no-one would watch this except my family?
FORD: Yeah, but, but, fungus?!
BECKETT: What then shall I talk about?!
FORD: I don't know. It's your mother -- tell her you love her!
BECKETT: No, no, I can't do that. I'd go all emotional.
BECKETT: She's very delicate, my mother -- as sweet a soul as you'll ever meet; as pure as the driven snow. If I get upset, then she'll get upset and I can't have that.
FORD: It's not like we're live, Doc. I mean, you don't like what we put on tape the first time, we can always do it again.
BECKETT: We can?
FORD: Sure.
BECKETT: Oh. Well, I suppose I could do that, then.
FORD: Alright. (He checks the camera.) Here we go. (He gestures to Carson to continue.)
BECKETT (into camera): Um, Mum? (He starts to get tearful.) I miss you terribly. (He starts to cry and looks at Aiden.) I can't do this!