yeh you heard it right, i actually went out. i was dropped off tuesday night at gail&let's house. when i got there peter angelo rj che vince gail and let were there. we sat around for a while then went to the living room to play murder. i don't know how to lie. 'nuff said. the next day we got up pretty early to get ready for GIRLS PICTURES aww 4th year dang. not too many people were very excited and that's sad but i deno i was just excited to see how they would turn out. guji, lito, and rico are here.. or rico is coming. mannn i'm ready for more summer
i think this one's best. nik doesn't.. when she's real pretty in this goshh
funny.. but my ugly stomach is showing
another =]
GDN scooore
together since forever hah
will be going to las vegas and LA [disneyland!] this saturday. probably willhave more pictures k? =]