(no subject)

Mar 06, 2006 19:39

in the beginning of the day i thought this day was going to be bad.
like i felt it and all.

first 3 periods were boring and not as entertaining.
4th period came i get a text.
guess who it is?
asking why i asked if he wanted to come to the family party.
i tell him the truth that my cousins mentioned him because they know him.
and he wonders how they know about him.
duhh cuz i tell them ahaha.
he wants to know if i still like him.
ahah let's think about that question for a while.
i seriously don't know. and if i did know, i would tell. but in this case, i don't.
mann i'm confused.
i'm in denial, she's in denial, wow wtf is going on haha.
let's go with the flow k?

i guess i was wrong. the day was not that bad.

practice in the rain and then inside.
nice, relxing practice.
i'm all cooled off drinking my daily fruit punch gatorade.
looking in my duffle for my cell phone for any missed calls/texts.
and guess fuckin what..
i seriously coudln't believe it at first because i am blind when looking for stuff.
but the thought killed me cuz i need my phone and i've already lost it once this year and then broke the other.
so this was my third phone.
maaaann the day was good and then my phone gets stolen.
RAWR i was so pissed..

there's always something messing up the day.
it's so funny cuz it happens whether i know it or not.
haha whatever overanalyzing shit again wheeee.

i ♥ kim's laugh. eh not really x]

peeeeeace out homie.

ps. angee's birthday is friday =]
whatcha want misssss?! tell me asap <3
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