Speculations and fun Character sketches!

Jan 03, 2007 18:40

Hey all, first post here and such. I was joking around with my friend on IM last night and doing a funny commentary of the scene in which real!jack and conman!jack as i like to call them are talking at the table above the dance floor. it goes something like this. and this is meant to be amusing but in no way take away from the sadness of the actual scene, which always gets me :)

jack1: I just think you should live every night like it's your last. make tonight.. the best night of your life. you're alive. right here. right now.
real!jack: okay. tonight. with you. please?
jack1: your men are fine.
real!jack: what are you trying to say? (because if you want to kiss me i am COMPLETELY down with that.)
jack1: Just do it. Tell him. What have you got to lose? *on verge of tears*
real!jack: *waits*
jack1: *angst* *steels himself* *selfless pushing-away* go to her.
real!jack: Damn. so not what I wanted to hear.

Also, I was bored during religion today (am I ever not bored during religion? :) and I decided to delve into Captain Jack's character (the Torchwood Jack, that is) in an attempt to understand his quite complex character. Feel free to add tidbits whenever you want! I want to really build up an understanding of the enigma that is Jack :D

-doesn't reveal his past to his co-workers
-able to become very emotionally attached very quickly to more than one person
-'cannot die'
-previous contact with Doctor and Rose- brought him back to life. He had a good, strong bond/connegtion with the Doctor and Rose.
-Took an American Soldier's name, falsified his records to make it seems as if he were still alive so he could take his identity.
-Indeterminate age
-Loyalty important to him
-Indeterminate living place
-Omnisexual- if you're breathing, willing and reasonably attractive, well then..
-likes to joke/innuendo but is very serious about his job
-Angsty :D
-Wears long coat- attached to past life?
-Obsessive personality (a bit)
-Handsome, dashing, etc :P
-Who knows who he is? Time-lord? Mercenary? Con man? Seems to have adopted his earth life and his base.
-Sometimes is not in tune to others' emotions yet seems to be human, feels things very strongly. As the Doctor does, sometimes doens't 'tune in' to the feelings of others.
-Has American accent
-When he met the Doctor, told rose he was a con man, trader dude. Had nanogenes and a spaceship. Was curious about the Tardis so he lured it there.
-Expert at coming up with a strategy in a tight spot
-Can be ruthless
-Loves deeply and powerfully (ANGST! :D)
-Selfless, yet selfish at the same time. Always looking out for others, risking his life to save them (i.e. dying to protect the Doctor and Rose) but when emotionally vulnerable, lashes out.
-Keeps emotions inside, yet is not afraid to cry or be scared when it's needed.
-True courage
-Fearless when it comes to taking chances and risks
-Feels he cannot rely on/trust others with secrets, that he has to bear the burden alone.

musings, general fun

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