Right time for a minor update I feel. Well, the life of me is rather queer at the moment, it's exactly four weeks today until I move to Manchester and when I do I will be netless! :-O Unless I live in Manchester Library which is unlikely in all honesty lol, chances are I will be bumming (def. bumming /'bvmîng: to act like a bum, not to "bum/be bummed") around trying to find interesting people/places. Of interest, I found this today which I promised Hayley and will be making extreme use of when living in Manchester:
GRANOLAAAAAAAAAAH! So yeah, that excited me somewhat! Also, can *anyone* tell me where I can find pictures of a sea cucumber firing its guts out of it's bum? Pretty random I know but it sounds the coolest defence mechanism ever and I really want pictures, I've Googled and Yahooed it but sadly nothing... I want a pet one so I can bang on the glass every couple of months and watch it explode. Yes, I am aware I need help. Thankfully I have found a place in Manchester that sells them! WOOT! It's true... with no job and no college I have way too much spare time on my hands. Also on my purchasing list at the moment is a hell of a lot more Cure albums. Anyone who fancies buying me one I will lovethemlongtime. I REALLY want
"The Top",
"Join The Dots" and
"Kiss Me! Kiss Me! Kiss Me!" OH LOOK! I'm getting a new place! House warming presents I feel! :-) But in seriousness there's a slae in real life HMVs and I have no money, it is DEVESTATING! For example Join The Dots is actually less than £25 in the real shops at the moment... It makes me weep from my very pores. Anyway, fun fun fun. My new MSI CD arrived via Kate the other day which is nice, and LOOK! It's real! With research I have found out it's called
"Thank God!" Pleased for the number of links in this post?! I know I am. Click them all, especially
this one. So now you know.
Well, I had fun making this every so slightly hyperlink orientated post, I may do it more often!
(I was going to hyperlink to a definition of each of the words "I" "may" "do" "it" "more" "often" but then realised that would be really lame.)