I'm still reeling from the events on "Changes", the 12th book of Harry Dresden series. Especially the cliff-hanger ending ...
With TV shows, the longest we have to wait for a cliff-hanger finale is what, 3 months? Or maybe 8-9 months for summer TV shows, or yeah, a year for British TV Shows. However, we usually get tidbits of spoilers in between. We know what might happens, when certain actors/actress leave the show, and so on.
But with books? The spoiler is tightly locked inside the authors's mind. They don't usually give out the plot until the book is released -- which is understandable to keep the suspense. But that means, as readers, we need to wait for a long time without knowing what will happen. Like in this case, I have wait A YEAR!! Urrgh, EVIL, EVIL cliff-hangers!!!
Luckily I don't have a lot of books with cliff-hangers. Even with Harry Potter series, the ending of each book is usually a closure
It's Sunday morning, around 7.20 A.M. here in my city. After going out to do shopping two days in a row, my only plan for Sunday is to kick back and relaxed. I don't think I will watch any movies or TV shows, I'm still in book mode since the end of last year. I have a couple of M/M romance novellas to take my minds off Harry Dresden. OR, I might start reading "The Girl Who Played With Fire". My fiction/literature reading this year is going to be really pathetic if I don't start soon.
Hope you enjoy your OWN Sunday :). I'm off to have breakfast. Hungry. Need food.