I am so, SO happy that Pushing Daisies is back. It is one of those shows that can make me feel good and happy - and it wasn't fair the show only got 9 episodes for its first season! But it's okay, it is back now, and I can't wait to see my Ned ...
+ OMG! We have Ned stripping down to his short (oooh la la!). Happy smiling face here!
+ The spoof to "Sound of Music" is totally brilliant. I love it when Kristin Chenoweth sings ...
+ So many cuteness of Ned and Chuck, including Ned building the home for Chuck in the end (sigh)
+ Emerson feels a bit left out here but I won't worry, he'll be back in all his glory
+ The BIG shocker: Chuck's dad a.k.a Lily's lover is Vivian's fiancé? WTF? Does that mean that whom we know as Chuck's parents are really NOT her biological parents at all?!?
And of course, what is the show without awesome funny lines.
Ned: If I could breathe, I would vomit
Olive: I like my belongings, that's why they belong to me
Olive: Forgive me father, for I am going to file a police report on all my worldly possessions. I know it's greedy and wrathful but there's been a miscommunication ...
It's not the best episode, not even the best premiere I've seen this season (the winner for BEST season premiere is Supernatural) ... but the show is so pretty, and it makes me laugh, I can't wait to watch upcoming episodes ... I gave the premiere episode 7/10
And because this meme has been lying around, I stole them from
subtle__sarcasm and
01. Think of the first word(s) that comes to mind when you think of me.
02. Go to Google Images and search for that word.
03. Reply to this post with one of the pictures on the first page of results (don't tell me the word).
04. Put this in your own journal so that I can do the same.
Last, but not least ... I PRESENT YOU WITH A COUPLE PICS OF YOURS TRULY. Here is the catch though, they are pictures from the yester-year. Yes, I must be no more than 5 years old in these pictures. But I figure, sometimes it is wonderful to remember what you look like back then :)
Yes, that was my li'l sister :)