May 14, 2003 19:40
Ok, so family should be allowed to criticize you to what extent?
When do you know if your parent or sibling is crossing some sort of line? I'm fucking mad at my damn sister for saying things that are soo not fucking cool. She finds a way to make me feel as though everything I fucking do is shit. What the fuck? I dont know what to do about this mess I have going on with her. If I try talking to her it just leads up to some kind of argument. I know I see things differently than she does but I'm okay with it. Her on the other hand she believes that she has every right in the world to criticize me and make me feel like shit. Damnit, I hate this. Today she pissed me off so bad that I threw a video tape at her. I'm not one to loose my temper but fuck she really made me mad. I hate fighting with people because it's meaningless. She's my damn older sister not my oldest enemy. I hate this. I could only put up with this shit for so long.