Well, as I'm into blogging a bit more than usual, I think it's time to give you a small update on things going on here.
Maybe you read it in the news that Airbus is struggling over the A380. I can asure you: It's not my fault nor that of my department!
Actually my department was the only that delivered 99% of the neccessary documents for Type Certification of the A 380 on time!
But the sad news is, that this crisis may nevertheless affect me - as I work at airbus on a temp basis. It was already announced that the extensive economies that have to be done will be done by rethinking the amount of contractors and temps. Quite unfair, isn't it?
Good that I already started to think about an upgrade of my qualifications!
I enrolled with an online course for becoming an "expert for distance learning technologies", which means I will first learn to be an online tutor and then to develop (in form and content) computer based trainings, web based trainings, blended learning courses and so on. In short: everything around elarning. Well, I think regarding the designing (visual) and programming of these thinks they can't tell me much news, as being a multimedia designer with extensive programming experience, but regarding the structure, didactics and so forth I'm really looking forward to learning something new!
This course starts tomorrow with a kind of introductional week - to get our access to the learning forums and to get aquainted with the technical environment. I'm really looking forward to this!
And now some new pics I took a week ago:
They are premiers for two reasons - first they are my first night shots and second they are my first shots with my tripod. Although I have my tripod since last christmas!
The pictures show 2 of the Blue Goals which were illuminating the city as a cultural side event of the worldchampionship. The dragon on the Alster has initially nothing to do with them. It was set up there for the "China Time"-Weeks we had end of September. But I liked the combination.
The second Blue Goal is the one on the Hamburg Town hall.
There were much more Blue Goals around the city, but I was - as always - late in getting myself together and go out to take pictures. So there pics were taken the day before the Blue Goals were put out.