(no subject)

Jan 13, 2003 18:08

grrr. stupid programming. at school, i couldn't wait to get home to work on my game because a spark went off in my head that said, "i know how to finish the rest of this method" and then bam i start working and it's not -quite- working. so yes. i stopped. i was getting a tad frustrated. i just don't work well at home.

we had this performance task today on curve sketching; i think i did okay. i got another one back (the one i knew i did bad on!) and i got a 47%. and i know what i did wrong, but i lost 5 marks because i didn't know how to solve the equation. and it sucks, because if i had known that one step (it had never occured to me to move one term to the other side and then square both sides :S) i could have aced it. and i'm not the only one who didn't know what they were doing. i mean, we obviously know how to do. anyhow, complaining won't do any good. tomorrow is our calculus test. last one for the year!

this morning my dad was reading this article about how much the grades will go up for the double cohort. i don't need to know that i need a higher average. i'm well aware that i might not get into university. and i'm well aware that my average is slipping, but gah. being stressed = not good. my mom claims she seems white hair all the time. i tell her it's due to stress, and she asks me what kind of stress would i have. oh dear lord. don't even get me started. but only 8 more school days of semester one and i'll be released from this semester's misery! hurrah. onward to physics & geometry. -dies- oh, and music.

actually. i do not like what we're playing in music. (band OR jazz) all the jazz song we're playing are kind of boring. NOTHING compared to sonny's place or THE CHICKEN (*claps ecstaticlly*) from last year. and what's with NOT having a guitar player? it sounds so empty. and and and, not that the drummers we have this year are bad, but man, our last year drummer was pretty darn tootin. he knew what he was doing. and band is just. bleh. masque? pukes. psalm and celebration? blah. and what else? danse celestial? yes, that one is okay, but i've been shafted to 2nd so that fucking sucks. i always plays 2nd. and in 6 months i'll probably never end up playing a saxophone again, which makes me feel very sad.

i'm still pretty pumped up from the concerts and meeting everyone. so my friends says, "what's wrong with you today? you're so happy." haha, do i really come off as a bitter person? "alison, can you be young and bitter?" hahaha. good times.

today melly told me she's going to learn piano again. now i feel all inspired to pick it up too. and the violin. the more i think about it, the more i should've taken it in high school, as much as i sucked in elementary. :P

here is a screen capture of my game. it's lame right now. it's definitely not as cool as tina's space invaders game, but java applets are .... different. heh. :P

^^^ click to view a bigger
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