trouble sleeping

May 06, 2007 06:44

Got the results back from my blood test - everything was normal. Apart from ONE of my Liver Fuction Tests (ALT) which was 40 (when the normal is between 1-34) - so hardly abnormal. My GP said that she doubts thats causing my tiredness. I thought as much. Shes asked for it to be checked in a month or so. So I'm going to give my Gastro the blood results (my GP printed from for me) and ask if he can run another blood test when I see him at the end of the month. My GP asked if I'd ever been checked for liver diseases. I told her that I'd been checked for Hep and PSC (Primary Schelorsing Cholangitis) neither of which I had. To be honest, I think I just need to chill out a bit, which I'll be able to do after the 18th. Get to the gym a bit more to try and reduce my tiredness.

Yesterday was rather weird for many reasons. However, I did get a very nice compliment from the Department Manager (DM) which came back through my Section Manager. He said that the DM thinks I'm very switched on and engaged (not quite sure how engaged you can be with yogurts though - hehe). Which is very nice to hear that people do take notice at work. I do enjoy working in Northwood - I can't really complain, they are basically part-funding my degree by paying me! hehe!

Also found me somewhere to live. Lovely little 1 bed flat, 5-7 min walk to campus, and a 15min walk to town (if I ever WANTED to walk). So yeah hopefuilly I might be able to get that sorted in sometime in the near future.

Thats it really.
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