How to pack and unpack system.img and userdata.img from an Android factory image

Sep 10, 2016 20:28
How to pack and unpack system.img and userdata.img from an Android factory image

Fri, 2012.08.10 - 03:34 - müzso

  1. Download the repository:

    git clone
  2. Check out a revision of your choice:

    cd extras
    git checkout android-4.1.1_r1
  3. Compile simg2img:

    cd ext4_utils
    gcc -o simg2img -lz sparse_crc32.c simg2img.c
  4. Unpack your Android image files:

    cd ../../
    ./extras/ext4_utils/simg2img system.img system.raw.img
    ./extras/ext4_utils/simg2img userdata.img userdata.raw.img
  5. Do whatever you want with the images (eg. you can use Paragon's ExtFS on a Mac or just simply mount the images in linux via the loop device).
    (Update, 2012.02.16: Paragon's ExtFS -or at least v8- does not work well.
    It doesn't show all files that are in the ext4 image.)

    mkdir /mnt/my_system /mnt/my_userdata
    mount -t ext4 -o loop system.raw.img /mnt/my_system
    mount -t ext4 -o loop userdata.raw.img /mnt/my_userdata
  6. Compile make_ext4fs:

    cd extras/ext4_utils
    gcc -o make_ext4fs -lz make_ext4fs_main.c make_ext4fs.c ext4fixup.c ext4_utils.c allocate.c backed_block.c output_file.c contents.c extent.c indirect.c uuid.c sha1.c sparse_crc32.c wipe.c
  7. Repack the images:

    cd ../../
    PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)/extras/ext4_utils/make_ext4fs" ./extras/ext4_utils/ -s /mnt/my_system_dir my_system.img ext4 /tmp 512M
P.S.: if compiling stuff is not your thing, you can just download simg2img and make_ext4fs from here.
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