Android C native development using the NDK under Windows

Mar 09, 2011 10:45

Android C native development using the NDK under Windows
By Radu Motisan Posted on November 18th, 2010

A lot has changed since my previous article, on Android C native development, back in 2009.
The Android NDK has been released and the JNI development is not only possible, but also easy. Have a look on this article on the Android NDK.
The new challenge is to use the NDK to compile Native ARM-EABI executables that would run on an Android phone. I don't want to setup the complete Google Android source code as I did in my first article.

This is possible, and I will provide the steps to do it:
Step 1. Install the NDK
Step 2. Install Cygwin
(as presented in the Android NDK Article)
While this guide is for Windows, you can easily adapt the following for a Linux box or a Mac.

Create a simple C code file, test.c

#include   int main() { printf("Hello Google Android world!\\n"); return 1; exit(0); }  
Find the following locations:
NDK_ROOT (eg. D:\work_code\android\android-ndk-r4b\ )
You will need them.

When starting Cygwin using the Cygwin.bat BATCH File, make sure you define the PATH to the Android NDK:

set PATH=D:/work_code/android/android-sdk-windows/tools;D:/work_code/android/android-ndk-r4b;D:\work_code\android\android-ndk-r4b\build\prebuilt\windows\arm-eabi-4.2.1\bin\;$PATH;D:\work_code\android\android-ndk-r4b\build\platforms\android-5\arch-arm\usr\lib\;  
Step 3. If you read my Android NDK article, you already know the NDK folder contains the ndk-build script, that is used to compile the JNI code.
We will build a similar script, to compile our test.c code file.

Let's call this file ndk-comp and place it where ndk-build is.

#!/bin/sh   OS='windows' ANDROIDSDK='android-3'   PROGDIR=`dirname $0` PROGDIR=`cd $PROGDIR && pwd`   ARMEABIGCC=$PROGDIR/build/prebuilt/$OS/arm-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-eabi-gcc ARMEABILIB=$PROGDIR/build/platforms/$ANDROIDSDK/arch-arm/usr/lib ARMEABIINC=$PROGDIR/build/platforms/$ANDROIDSDK/arch-arm/usr/include ARMEABICRT=$PROGDIR/build/platforms/$ANDROIDSDK/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtbegin_dynamic.o   LINKER=/system/bin/linker   echo "GCC:"$ARMEABIGCC "LIB:"$ARMEABILIB "LINKER":$LINKER "PARAMS:"$@   $ARMEABIGCC $@ -Wl,-rpath-link=$ARMEABILIB,-dynamic-linker=$LINKER -L$ARMEABILIB $ARMEABICRT -I$ARMEABIINC -nostdlib -lc  
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