Well, looks like yet another Michael Moore movie, and I really just hope he moves to France someday, where he belongs and can at last be content
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Anyways, my views pretty much coincide with yours (and no, I haven't seen it either). I don't doubt that he brings up a few key points that many of us skipped over when judging the war (such as the Bushs' relations with the Saudis). However, as you said, he does follow a strict agenda when going about his propoganda... err, documentary. I can easily see where a politically apathetic person could go into the movie without any comments on the war, and come out a firm war-opposer. But, that in itself is what I have against the movie. Sure, he has every right to say what he wants, but it isn't FAIR to those less-informed on the subject to be wrongly tricked into a certain viewpoint without being confronted with both sides of the story. It's usually easier to refute something than it is to prove it's worthwhile-ness, especially when the benefits of said action will prove themselves in the long term...
I guess that's my biggest gripe: not so much the fact that his highly-questionable ideologies are presented as fact, but the way he goes about showcasing his views. Ah well, I shouldn't have expected much from him in the first place.
how is that any different from what you guys are doing now on the smaller scale on this lj? making opinions based on something you have no idea what you are talking about. Not to be mean but NONE of you have seen the movie yet. You guys are blindly following an opinion you have about michael moore and things you've heard from pundits.
I don't think that's fair to michael moore and i don't think thats fair to the people who might read this lj and go take your opinion. Seriously this is beginning to scare me how close minded you guys are being. I mean if a conservative documentary came out, i'd go see it because i'm confident in what I believe and willing to learn new truths (if it has any to offer). Are you guys that scared of what michael moore has to say? Are you that closed minded? Come on guys get in the debate here...go see the movie then start calling it "propganada". All you're doing now is simply spewing what you hear on conservative talk shows...jeeez
I will see it at some point. And I've read both positive and negative reviews about it, and I know what points he's making. That doesn't substitute for seeing a movie straight through, I know that, but to be fair, I'm not just regurgitating what I've heard on FoxNEWS. And I have seen two of moore's movies - I've been pretty fair to the guy, I think he's a great filmmaker. I wish the conservatives had one on their side. And I'm not against movie theaters showing the movie and I'm not encouraging others to pass on it - I'm just getting ideas out there to people who have seen or will see the movie. Like myself.
As you know, I am a pretty staunch liberal, but I'm not a maniac. I had my issues with Michael Moore. In general, I think he's far too concerned with what he's trying to say and too little concerned about the truth. I saw Fahrenheit on July 4 with my parents. I'm not a sissy, but I cried when the war footage began and didn't stop until the end of the movie.
When and if you see it, watch it with your ears plugged if you have to. I think that the images tell audiences all they need to know. And it's the images that won't lie, even if Moore does.
It's summer -- of course life is good =) I've been completely useless, which is exactly how it should be. I'm taking SAT classes, of course. Junior year is going to suck.
I visit Harvard earlier this summer. It's a really beautiful campus.
Anyways, my views pretty much coincide with yours (and no, I haven't seen it either). I don't doubt that he brings up a few key points that many of us skipped over when judging the war (such as the Bushs' relations with the Saudis). However, as you said, he does follow a strict agenda when going about his propoganda... err, documentary. I can easily see where a politically apathetic person could go into the movie without any comments on the war, and come out a firm war-opposer. But, that in itself is what I have against the movie. Sure, he has every right to say what he wants, but it isn't FAIR to those less-informed on the subject to be wrongly tricked into a certain viewpoint without being confronted with both sides of the story. It's usually easier to refute something than it is to prove it's worthwhile-ness, especially when the benefits of said action will prove themselves in the long term...
I guess that's my biggest gripe: not so much the fact that his highly-questionable ideologies are presented as fact, but the way he goes about showcasing his views. Ah well, I shouldn't have expected much from him in the first place.
I don't think that's fair to michael moore and i don't think thats fair to the people who might read this lj and go take your opinion. Seriously this is beginning to scare me how close minded you guys are being. I mean if a conservative documentary came out, i'd go see it because i'm confident in what I believe and willing to learn new truths (if it has any to offer). Are you guys that scared of what michael moore has to say? Are you that closed minded? Come on guys get in the debate here...go see the movie then start calling it "propganada". All you're doing now is simply spewing what you hear on conservative talk shows...jeeez
As you know, I am a pretty staunch liberal, but I'm not a maniac. I had my issues with Michael Moore. In general, I think he's far too concerned with what he's trying to say and too little concerned about the truth. I saw Fahrenheit on July 4 with my parents. I'm not a sissy, but I cried when the war footage began and didn't stop until the end of the movie.
When and if you see it, watch it with your ears plugged if you have to. I think that the images tell audiences all they need to know. And it's the images that won't lie, even if Moore does.
How's life by the way?
I visit Harvard earlier this summer. It's a really beautiful campus.
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