Sep 12, 2005 15:45
So, the other day I was reading my Bible and I came across something about relationships/friendships kind of thing. It made me think of some of the friendships I've had throughout high school. One in particular. I think I've known her since I was a sophmore. yes, I have. I remember that year we got along real well and it was AWESOME. Then the next summer our friendship got all messed up and it hasn't ever been back to the same. So, I was feeling really down about that because I love this girl! Seriously! Even when things weren't looking so good, I still cared for her. So, after reading that little thing in the Bible I decided I would write her a letter. Keep in mind, I'm not a person to write letters! BUT I did...and I admit it probably sounded really lame, but I just wrote down everything I was feeling at the time. Well, I got a letter back from her today and we agree on EVERYTHING! It makes me so super happy! I want to be good friends with her and I want everything to be good. The times we HAVE spent hanging out have always been awesome. I mean, not to sound silly, but I probably remember every single one. lol. Right now I'm just real happy that we're on the same page. I can't wait to see her and get to hang out! So, I guess I'm going to callenge you all...if this little entry reminded you of anyone...then talk to them! Don't just sit around because you could be losing a potential, great friend! so....GO, what are you waiting for!?!