yes, i know it rocks. i am having a very lonely time here.
my dog died, but that's not why i'm lonely.
i'm just lonely because there's no one to talk to.
i mean, there are plenty of people to talk to. but not really.
and anyway, i don't want to talk to anyone. really. what?
i've stopped taking the elevators.
contrary to how this is coming off, i'm quite happy {!!}
see? even squiggly brackets.
i'm just kind of putting stuff out there.
i will be up in umass soonish.
and fitchburg sooner than umass.
oh, and don't pay any mind to the dog thing.
i just felt that it is the sort of thing where you should tell people.
i really don't want anyone to feel like they should be sorry or anything like that.
really, he was so old and smelly {!!}
the brackets.