This week has gone by way too fast. I had way too much to do, and lots of stupid little things went wrong, plus on Wednesday I lost a couple of hours because my parents decided they wanted to go see a car in Salt Lake and dragged me along just in case they bought it. (So I could drive their car home, my dad doesn't drive anymore.) Anyway, now it's Thursday night, and I only have three days left to make my coat. Now... if it were three totally free days it wouldn't be so bad, but I have to make and ship stuff, go get my winshield replaced because it's cracked... probably... unless it's a small enough crack to pass safety inspection, it is on the passenger side so... maybe? Probably not, with my luck. So yeah, get that fixed, get safety and emissions tests done, renew my regisration which is due this month, go buy padded envelopes so I can actually ship the stuff I need to make and ship, and who knows what else.
So I'm not sure if I'm going to make it. I don't want to do a sloppy job because I'm in a hurry, I'd much rather have a really nice coat and miss the deadline. I'm trying not to think of it as impossible before I even really start, but considering my tendency to underestimate how long projects will take, and the fact that I'm already worried there might not be enough time, it's really not looking too good. I wanted to throw together a mockup out of crappy fabric to test the pattern, because the last time I picked out a jacket pattern I thought would be cute it turned out really awful. It looked like it was supposed to be nicely fitted and it wasn't at all. Luckily, I was using it for the first time to make a dorky costume and not the jacket I had been planning to use it for, but still... I don't really trust patterns anymore. If the pattern I have picked out for the FMA coat proves to be as stupid as that jacket, I'm sunk. No chance. There's NO WAY that I can totally revamp a crappy pattern in three days. As it is I'm converting a collar to a hood, which isn't going to be a picnic.
And if I do manage to make it in time, which is looking like a pretty big *if* at this point, I'm not so sure about the whole photoshoot part. I have a weird desk made of pretty black walnut, so the asleep on a desk picture is no problem. There's a stretch of train tracks that goes through a big empty field not to far away, so that picture (though I still don't have a suitcase) shouldn't be too hard. But... that's all I've got, really. The local library is very clearly modern. Carpeted, metal shelves, random colorful printed spines on the books. It's just not the same as the awesome old wood floored, wood shelved, leatherbound book filled libraries you see in FMA. And those are the only three "scenes" I could really think of that I could even come close to pulling off. And if I put a lot of effort into trying to take cool pictures and they come out crappy, I'm going to be pretty frustrated
At this point I'm really torn between being upbeat and determined to at least try, and (assuming the coat gets done) just taking a couple of really simple pictures and being satisfied with that... and saving myself some stress and just forgetting the whole thing.
Aside to that, I have way too many things I need to make and list, and not nearly enough time to do so. And if I were smart I'd get an early start on handmade Christmas presents. And everything takes too much money, and the stuff I don't need to get anything else to make probably won't even sell. And I've clearly ranted myself into a bit of a slump... so I'm going to go get some ice cream and pretend that everybody wants to buy my cloaks and that my windshield isn't really cracked. I wish I could go get a spicy noodle bowl but the stores I've checked don't seem to carry them anymore. Curse you stores! Thwarting my efforts to satisfy random spicy noodle soup cravings!